MS can be quite nimble ... when it wants to.

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The quickest MS patch ever ...

Microsoft now patching for FairUse4WM 1.2 - Engadget

( 9/9 ) : - The Definitive DVD Backup Resource

As Microsoft reassures its licensees that they'll soon beat FairUse4WM 1.2, Wired has a story on how the DRM breach has triggered the quickest Microsoft patch ever. If only Microsoft were as quickly to react when their product has a critical flaw that actually hurts people, and not just prevents media companies from slapping a corset on content that you pay good money for - it would literally save the worldwide economy billions of dollars. shows MS is really serious when money matters, not when the customers are suffering.. the DRM has hell lot of money involved and so...they cant let that slip out!! Thats why they acted so fast... but then who in the world likes WMA/WMV... for me MPEG, AVI, DIVX, XVID, Mp3, ogg are good enough !!
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