samatre said:
Hi Rajesh,

Yes, M2NPV-VM has a tv-out provided as an expansion board. It has a S-Video Out, a RCA out and Component out ports.

Thanks for that info !!

If i go for the MSI counterpart.. there's no TV out provided..
Can i buy the tv out bracket locally in mumbai.. easily ??

I dnt mean to crap ur thread.. just thought it wld be easier to get the info out here.. with the flow !! :)
I am planning to acquire a new system with ASUS M2N PV-VM board. The configuration is:

1. Asus MN2 PV-VM MotherBoard, + AMD X2 3600+ CPU
2. 1GB DDR2 RAM (Kingston)
3. 160GB SATA2 HDD (SeaGate)
4. Two DVD-Writers. (Sony)
5. External USB TV-Tuner Techom
6. FDD Drive.
7. VG1930wm TFT monitor
8. ATP3-2.1 Altec Lansing.
9. i-ball cabinet w i-ball-400W SMPS- 24pin ATX
10. VGuard 600VA UPS

K9NGM2 it seems is not available here now locally. (disappeared for some time).
Also based on feedback from local vendors & also many forum including this, it seems M2NPV-VM is a very stable board now. I learned that it had some problems during its inception an year back. Mostly driver/bios issues & memory compatibility issues, all of which have been soundly resolved.

But i do want corroboration of these facts from existing owners of this board & other experts here.

Also is the lack of heatsink on southbridge as arnov pointed out is a serious issue? what is temperature reported now?

Can you also comment on my configuration?
thanks & regards

I am using the M2NPV-VM since 3 months and I am satisifed by its performance. Din't face
any river/bios issues or memory compatibility issues. Also, I have enabled Cool n' Quiet
and configured the bios to force 1T command rate.

However, I too have a hunch that the absence of a heatsink on southbridge has a bearing on the 41 C I get at idle time. Offcourse a good chassis fan should solve this problem.

See this also : http://www.techenclave.com/forums/cpu-motherboard-temperature-problem-88002.html