MTNL Wireless Router + Network card (??)

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Need some help here. I've managed to search the forums too before posting this, but the details I require were not evident from the results.

I have recently booked Triband (NU849) and I will get the installation done soon.

1. What will MTNL install (router + modem OR only modem)? Do they give you any extension wires if you require?

2. I have my telephone jack quite far away (opposite wall) from my PC. I am planning to get myself a wireless router for this. I also own a laptop and it would make a lot of sense for me to get one so that I can use the same with my PC and notebook without much hassles. I have heard and read a lot about Buffalo. Need to know the model and availability in Mumbai.

3. The signal may have to traverse across 3 walls max (although, I have those huge floor to ceiling windows - dunno whether that helps).

4. Do i need to know a lot of networking to setup the so-called port forwarding for torrents to work smoothly at night?

5. There seems to be some discussion about how to utilise the NU plan to the max. Some users seem to have scripts to start and stop their routers at night, whereas some claim that MTNL takes care of that and you just need to keep you PC on at night. Can anyone give any confirmation about MTNL Mumbai and recommend some good way to manage things ?

6. Despite having an onboard network card, if i go in for a wireless setup, I may be required to purchase a wireless network card, isnt it? Can you guys recommend something value for money for my A8NE?

Kneo said:
Need some help here. I've managed to search the forums too before posting this, but the details I require were not evident from the results.

I have recently booked Triband (NU849) and I will get the installation done soon.

1. What will MTNL install (router + modem OR only modem)? Do they give you any extension wires if you require?

2. I have my telephone jack quite far away (opposite wall) from my PC. I am planning to get myself a wireless router for this. I also own a laptop and it would make a lot of sense for me to get one so that I can use the same with my PC and notebook without much hassles. I have heard and read a lot about Buffalo. Need to know the model and availability in Mumbai.

3. The signal may have to traverse across 3 walls max (although, I have those huge floor to ceiling windows - dunno whether that helps).

4. Do i need to know a lot of networking to setup the so-called port forwarding for torrents to work smoothly at night?

5. There seems to be some discussion about how to utilise the NU plan to the max. Some users seem to have scripts to start and stop their routers at night, whereas some claim that MTNL takes care of that and you just need to keep you PC on at night. Can anyone give any confirmation about MTNL Mumbai and recommend some good way to manage things ?

6. Despite having an onboard network card, if i go in for a wireless setup, I may be required to purchase a wireless network card, isnt it? Can you guys recommend something value for money for my A8NE?


1. u dont need any modem...they'll provide you with a router else you can buy yourself one...since you wanna go for a wireless router you need not rent router from the mtnl, they wont provide you with any extension wires unless you are ready to pay for it...

2. ok, since you will be using the net on multiple systems you can opt for a wireless router else a router+access point combo...i'm currently using router+linksys access-point combo...u need to buy router and access point separately...and about the buffalo wireless routers, i dont know much...wait for others who probably are using 'em...

3. 3 walls wont be much a can go upto range of 100meters without any problem...infact i have connected to my accesspoint 2 floors apart...and regarding those windows, if they are in those three walls it might help...:)

4. dont need have any n/w'ing knowledge for can easily port-forward your router through easy tutorials at

5. you need to turn off your router after 12am and before 8am to avoid downloads being charged during the night-unlimited session...this restart is required to create sessions which the mtnl server doesnt do it on its own :@ you manually need to create these sessions by restarting your router to avoid being charged during that session...yes there are telnet scripts which help you restart your routers through scheduling...but they are for d-link n utstarcom routers...not sure about others...m currently using one for my uttstarcom router...some ppl use power cutoff timers devices to stop poersupply to their routers...dont know where these devices are available here in mumbai...but the most safest method is to manually restart your router...:bleh:

6. you'll need to buy wireless pci-adapter cards for your desktop...ones from linksys and netgear are reliable ones...let others suggest some other for your laptop you can use inbuilt wi-fi...

hope this helps...:)
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I got a buffalo g54s wifi router ( 2.1 K) and buffalo pci wifi card ( 1.2k) for a friend 1 month back.

When you connect the router to your modem, it configures everything automatically.

You dont need to do anything.

3 walls can be a problem. Get the buffalo g54 ( ard 4 K) ppl here say it has a wide range.
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