Multiple Items Microwave, shaver trimmer, hand blender

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Microwave conventional - max 13000 (family is 5+)
Shaver + trimmer = max 1500
Hand Blender = max 1500
front load washing machine = max 25k

Can i make tandoori roti butter naan in microwave ?
I liked the SAMSUNG cermaic 104 version i guess 21-28 ltrs. Do the power output or consumption make a difference in cooking also the temp like 80 - 220 degree celcius does make a difference ?

shave trimmer - i kept French for as long as 4-5 yrs it suits be so i need some shaver or trimmer which can take care of it... Also it must give clean shave to other area (as well as on the frech mustache it must have a 0-1-2 setting to lower the hair)

hand blender power full one will do.. with good attachments mostly i see 250 watt i also have seen 600 w do suggest good one...

front load with good ASS and good drum and stuff
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