Murdermod PSU Sleeving

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Very easy once you get the hang of it :D But guaranteed your thumb and index finger will hurt like HELL after doing it for 5-6 pins.
Hey..thanks for sharing this. I am really interested to do this also. Have some Molex connectors in there, need to sleeve them.

Is it possible, you could tell how you did this, are sleeving kits/tools available in India/New Delhi. What else you picked from the electronic shops. I have some spare molex, I could 'practice' on those, and then move to proper sleeving.

A mini - tutorial and/or links would help. Specially regarding the pins.
asingh said:

Hey..thanks for sharing this. I am really interested to do this also. Have some Molex connectors in there, need to sleeve them.

Is it possible, you could tell how you did this, are sleeving kits/tools available in India/New Delhi. What else you picked from the electronic shops. I have some spare molex, I could 'practice' on those, and then move to proper sleeving.

A mini - tutorial and/or links would help. Specially regarding the pins.

There are loads of tuts online saar. just google it.
Yes, know that. Have. :)

Wanted to know, if the kits are available, or if the OP used customized component -- so I can do the same.
Bump :P

Unfortunately on 21 dec 08 I had to urgently leave for Singapore and hence I kinda abandoned this project.

Now i'm back, picked up a PSU for a friend and sleeved it for him :P

Didnt buy a custom kit, sleeves, heatshrink bought locally, hand made the tools to remove the pins, total 100% my effort :P feels soo good to be modding stuff after a very very long time :D

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Ahh...just awesome job bunnysoi :D...I hope your fingers r fine now after the full day work!

And ya this is the FSP 450W PSU from systembuilder....and best of its a Yate Loon Medium speed fan inside which alone will fetch 950 bucks :D
Yes a GO would be nice!

There used to be GO's for this long time back. Also when KMD was active, he used to sell sleeving kits and stuff. Haven't seen any GO after that.

It would be really great if we can get stuff locally. I assume we do, I just don't know where. :P
Yes. I got a 50 meter bundle, I guess half of it got used in sleeving 2 PSUs.
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