Mushiest romantic movies. Movies which make you and your girl go "awwwww"

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A friend of mine wants to watch a movie with his girlfriend after her exams. Was asking all of us for ideas.

So, searched for the thread on TE (which I was sure was created), but didnt find it.

So, pour in your suggestions. No hindi stuff please. Only English.

Nikhil said:
A friend of mine wants to watch a movie with his girlfriend after her exams...bla bla..

Ahem.. Go Nikhil :P

I recommend A walk to remember as well. Yup there was a thread but last post was a few months back. You'l have search manually for it :)
^Was just about to say the same thing .. Similar thread a while back ...

How about Serendipity? Quite liked it 'cause of Kate Beckinsale :D ;)
Ank1t said:
Ahem.. Go Nikhil :P

I recommend A walk to remember as well. Yup there was a thread but last post was a few months back. You'l have search manually for it :)

:rofl: :rofl: I wish it was me man :( :(

Chaos said:
Depends on the type of girl... whether she's a dumb blonde or a nerdy type :P.

More towards the thinking type. Not exactly nerdy, but closer to nerdy than dumb blonde :P
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