Mushiest romantic movies. Movies which make you and your girl go "awwwww"

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I would say '50 first dates' the number might be wrong though.

'The apartment' is good if the gurl is not conservative

same goes for 'Love Actually' recently got the uncensored version - had missed the actor couple.

Actually, I think couple of good comedies are far better than romantic ones. People always tend to remember/associate hilarious events more than anything else.
was gonna say 50 first dates...looks like its already mentioned...
music &lyrics is brain returns only drew barrymore movies when thinkin of romantic ones:bleh:
Chaos said:
Before Sunrise/Sunset :P.

hmmm ok. Will tell him that.

But I myself watch Before Sunrise. Didnt like it that much. So, does that mean I am a dumb blonde ? :huh: :huh: :( :'( :'( :(
Nikhil said:
hmmm ok. Will tell him that.

But I myself watch Before Sunrise. Didnt like it that much. So, does that mean I am a dumb blonde ? :huh: :huh: :( :'( :'( :(

dumb might be ... but not sure about the blonde thing :rofl:

Keane 16 said:
Suggestions please .. ?

the vinci load, deep impact, shaving private ryan ..... :hap2: :P
Jerry Mcguire

Pretty woman


Maid in Manhattan

You've got mail

Forrest Gump

What women want


Sleepless in seattle

Mr. Deeds, The guru and First 50 dates if you want comedy with romance


Ghost.............ESPECIALLY GHOST
I was saying evolution...first they see the creature and go awwwww.....but then those creatures open their mouth they go ewwwww

But anyways my vote goes for Ghost. If a female ghost haunts a guy, its called not completing a divorce settlement but if a male haunts a female, the convo is like this".............awwww...she has HER own ghost how sweet....will my ghost if you....i mean when you........i know" and you go............WTF
Little Manhattan




Bugsy - Little romance , darma , passion it has it all ..

BUT I SAY LITTLE MANHATTAN was a very sweet movie , next will be notebook for me .
why are more and more threads with 'girlfriend' in them coming up on TE? is TE a dating tips site? hehe....
KiD0M4N said:
Love Actually
Jerry McGuire
Taree Zameen Par (I know you said no Hindi, but this fits the bill perfectly.)
They already went for it first day first show :P

Thanks for the suggestions guys.... keep them coming.
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