1.About Mac safety
Somebody complains Windows always attracts malwares(virus, trojans,etc.) and are always saying Mac can never be infected by viruses. The fact is, even built on a safe UNIX shell, we DO have evidences of the existence of Mac viruses, rare though. AND, on top of that, who would spend their precious time crashing the OS that takes less than 10% of the global computer market and giving peace to the big tyrant Microsoft?
Well, well, if Mac take more than 50% of the world market in the future there would most probably be more Mac malware designers. but nobody can predict that.
2. International language/software support
For English, European language, Japansese and Korean users, there is no language input problems on Mac, but it is somewhat inconvienient for Chinese and other complex-character-language users, according to one of my friend(e.g., the "Google Pinyin" Chinese input software that is now only on Windows). Also, software compatibility is always an obstacle. This can be fixed, ONLY IF Mac have more users worldwide, or software developers will not invest money making their product Mac compatible. Before then, Windows is a saver.
3.Media editing, Mac or Windows?
And I use my Mac for general surfing, writing, photo-organising, and I'd probably even attempt movie-editing if it weren't for its dated specifications - it's a Powerbook G4 .
First things first. Dear tracerbullet, if you really do want to try movie editing or adding cool visual effects to a video, then welcome to the party. I myself am a visual effect artist, please be reminded that those Mac-only media applications are easy to use BUT simplicity reflects a lack of choice and lack of full-function. I dont suggest you use noobie media editors if you want to play big. I recommend you the softwares of Adobe, Premiere Pro and After Effects to be exact--they are extremely professional editors, and After Effects do things far beyond movie editing, just keep that in mind. Ahem, but also keep in mind that: After Effects works better on Windows, given the same hardware. See the details here:
The Great After Effects Mac/Windows Smackdown: CS4 Edition
As for Audio Editing, whichever suits you depends on your preference, after all, audio editing requires better ear rather than better eyes. Mac or Windows, anyone will do. It depends MOSTLY on the software. And I am recommending Adobe Audition. (Holy s**t, Adobe even swallowed Cool Edit Pro and renamed it???!! that's old news)
For painting and still graphic editing, lots of artist choose to use Mac, and there are many good reasons behind it. Windows can do it, too, if not better.
Finally, these are only the opinions of mine and my coleagues.