Must Read - Mac OS X Flaws : Not User Friendly!

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6pack said:
can mac users customize their environment like we do in windows?
i mean using apps like windows blinds or custom themes we can make cosmetic changes to the look and feel of windows. is this possible in mac? just asking cause i dont know whether this is possible...

Of course its possible. You can apply themes and stuff to change the look and feel of the GUI.
Superczar said:
interesting to see OS X invite the same amount of random rant as the iPhone does..

I Wonder how much free time the author had at hand

Since I am at work, and having a lean day, my turn to rant :D

Now every OS has its set of flaws including both OS X and Windows...

but this article is plain dumb

It's from the POV of someone who is used to doing thing certain (and long winded ) ways in Windows and by force of habit expects the same in OS X

What this does not realize is that most of his annoyance cribs can actually be handled far more elegantly in OS X

Take the first crib for starters

Right Click to create text files

a) I'd rather press f12 and write what I want in a sticky notes

b) I'd rather type "te" in spotlight and hit enter to open textedit


not to forget you have direct access to your fave unix/bsd text editors like nano/vi thru the terminal)

I could probably write a point-by-point rebuttal but it's kind of pointless

after all this guy even cribs about the Macbook touchpad which truthfully speaking is light year miles ahead of any other touchpad available currently

And realistically speaking, if a long time OS X user were to employ the same an@l retentive POV while using Windows, it's hard to imagine the endless list of cribs that would emerge

The one thing Mac users can't do is shut up.

How Ironical

Can't remember the last time a OS X user on TE posted or wrote a random biased flame article on windows or Linux

or a mobile OS X user posted/wrote a flame article on Symbian/WM

Now do you want me to run a count of OMG, OS X/iPhone su&*s monkey ba%%s threads on TE? :lol:

Can i install OSX on my PC with Vista.

Just thinking to check out for myself what is the hype all about it.
Also, will i get drivers for the hardware? :huh:
superczar said:
I could probably write a point-by-point rebuttal but it's kind of pointless

It won't be pointless. Would actually be very helpful for new OSX users who have come across these problems.
the problem here is that things are done a certain way in windows and osx, and most of them are done in completely different ways

If someone has just moved to osx from windows, then it'll take him a while to get used to all the options and menus and familiarize himself on how to get things done.

I just got a macbook for my dad a while back and had a bit of a hard time getting used to how everything was done but when i did figure it out, its just that much easier compared to windows, dont have to go through a list of menus to get to an option i need which was what i was doing when i first started using it and then thought, this sux coz i cant get the basic things done

I cudnt because I didnt know how to :P

while my dad who just started using pcs, could manage to do everything he wanted to easily because he wasnt expecting those things to be done in a certain "windows" way.

Although OSX is not a geek OS per say, and neither is windows to such an extent, we'll leave that for linux perhaps :P but there are a lot of users out there who customize their windows because they are not satisfied with it, such customizations may be possible in osx as well but I dont know, i guess most users who are very familiar with OSX and have been using it for a while doesn't feel the need for them
clown_abhi said:

Can i install OSX on my PC with Vista.

Just thinking to check out for myself what is the hype all about it.
Also, will i get drivers for the hardware? :huh:

Yes you can. In fact, there's a whole thread on it somewhere here. If you can't find your answers there, InsanelyMac is your friend.

Dunno if it'll install well (if at all) on AMD hardware, it does installl on Intel HW nearly perfectly.
superczar said:
Since I am at work, and having a lean day, my turn to rant :D

Now every OS has its set of flaws including both OS X and Windows...
but this article is plain dumb
It's from the POV of someone who is used to doing thing certain (and long winded ) ways in Windows and by force of habit expects the same in OS X

What this does not realize is that most of his annoyance cribs can actually be handled far more elegantly in OS X

Take the first crib for starters
a) I'd rather press f12 and write what I want in a sticky notes
b) I'd rather type "te" in spotlight and hit enter to open textedit
not to forget you have direct access to your fave unix/bsd text editors like nano/vi thru the terminal)
Totally agree, but then no one claims windows or linux to be the best OS in the world, like you guys do for macs..For The best OS in the world, you need that list to be as small as windows..

superczar said:
I could probably write a point-by-point rebuttal but it's kind of pointless
after all this guy even cribs about the Macbook touchpad which truthfully speaking is light year miles ahead of any other touchpad available currently
Aha..right as per my prediction:P
Actually please do write it, else theres no weight to what you are actually saying..
superczar said:
How Ironical
Can't remember the last time a OS X user on TE posted or wrote a random biased flame article on windows or Linux

or a mobile OS X user posted/wrote a flame article on Symbian/WM

Now do you want me to run a count of OMG, OS X/iPhone su&*s monkey ba%%s threads on TE? :lol:

You dont remember?
And guess who started it?:)
You thought i was being sarcastic? It's just an observation that i've made.
Day in and out i meet people who can't stop talking about how great their Macs are. I woudn't bother me much if they actually knew what they were on about.
Do i think all Mac users fit in the above category? No. But as far as im concerned, that's how the majority of them are.
Keane 16 said:
That might just be the dumbest thing I've heard. Yes, Apple isn't meant for people on the borderline of noob-ism and geekdom, but a system based on Unix can't possibly be geek unfriendly. It's the noobies who actually need ads to tell them what they should get, hence the lame Apple ads. Make no mistake though, Windows is by no means meant for geeks any more so than OS X. It's just that OSX has an easier learning curve for noobs.

I'm not trying to say that either of these OSes are better than the other. I use my PC for playing games, stashing multimedia (because of the much larger hard drive) and fooling around with applications. And I use my Mac for general surfing, writing, photo-organising, and I'd probably even attempt movie-editing if it weren't for its dated specifications - it's a Powerbook G4 :(. But you can't deny the fact that Mac OS is an easier OS to use. Everything works out of the box, most apps are built-in, even iWork (though trial) is preinstalled. Essentially the Macintosh experience takes place inside a closed box. You can play around with all that's inside, but there isn't that much more to add, whether in terms of hardware or software. Windows, on the other hand, belongs to an open environment. There are tenfold more applications (mostly because there's nothing worthwhile built-in but I must admit, it's changing for the better with Windows 7), and you can constantly upgrade the system with newer hardware and still have everything still work immaculately. For gamers and those interested in tinkering around with software and keeping their hardware up to date, obviously Windows is the OS of choice. Mac OS, on the other hand, is for those who want their usual tasks to take place as seamlessly as possible, with minimal intervention in the form of software or hardware.

So it doesn't matter whether you tag it as geek vs noob or low learning curve vs high learning curve. It's a question of mindsets, and heck, there's a world of a difference in the mindsets of Mac OS and Windows users.
Personally, the only reason I swear by OSX is that it eliminates the need for me to have a separate machine for my everyday web usage and my dedicated audio platform. With Windows, my audio machine used to keep getting slow with spyware and virii inflicted by the web and portable storage.

Plus Mac has excellent out of the box MIDI support and support for most audio hardware and other accessories so that makes it a very convenient and stable platform for everyday studio work or live performances.

tracerbullet said:
So it doesn't matter whether you tag it as geek vs noob or low learning curve vs high learning curve. It's a question of mindsets, and heck, there's a world of a difference in the mindsets of Mac OS and Windows users.
1.About Mac safety
Somebody complains Windows always attracts malwares(virus, trojans,etc.) and are always saying Mac can never be infected by viruses. The fact is, even built on a safe UNIX shell, we DO have evidences of the existence of Mac viruses, rare though. AND, on top of that, who would spend their precious time crashing the OS that takes less than 10% of the global computer market and giving peace to the big tyrant Microsoft?
Well, well, if Mac take more than 50% of the world market in the future there would most probably be more Mac malware designers. but nobody can predict that.
2. International language/software support
For English, European language, Japansese and Korean users, there is no language input problems on Mac, but it is somewhat inconvienient for Chinese and other complex-character-language users, according to one of my friend(e.g., the "Google Pinyin" Chinese input software that is now only on Windows). Also, software compatibility is always an obstacle. This can be fixed, ONLY IF Mac have more users worldwide, or software developers will not invest money making their product Mac compatible. Before then, Windows is a saver.
3.Media editing, Mac or Windows?
And I use my Mac for general surfing, writing, photo-organising, and I'd probably even attempt movie-editing if it weren't for its dated specifications - it's a Powerbook G4 .
First things first. Dear tracerbullet, if you really do want to try movie editing or adding cool visual effects to a video, then welcome to the party. I myself am a visual effect artist, please be reminded that those Mac-only media applications are easy to use BUT simplicity reflects a lack of choice and lack of full-function. I dont suggest you use noobie media editors if you want to play big. I recommend you the softwares of Adobe, Premiere Pro and After Effects to be exact--they are extremely professional editors, and After Effects do things far beyond movie editing, just keep that in mind. Ahem, but also keep in mind that: After Effects works better on Windows, given the same hardware. See the details here: The Great After Effects Mac/Windows Smackdown: CS4 Edition
As for Audio Editing, whichever suits you depends on your preference, after all, audio editing requires better ear rather than better eyes. Mac or Windows, anyone will do. It depends MOSTLY on the software. And I am recommending Adobe Audition. (Holy s**t, Adobe even swallowed Cool Edit Pro and renamed it???!! that's old news)
For painting and still graphic editing, lots of artist choose to use Mac, and there are many good reasons behind it. Windows can do it, too, if not better.

Finally, these are only the opinions of mine and my coleagues.
Every OS has its own pro and cons.Same is the case with MAc OS X.

First things first. Dear tracerbullet, if you really do want to try movie editing or adding cool visual effects to a video, then welcome to the party. I myself am a visual effect artist, please be reminded that those Mac-only media applications are easy to use BUT simplicity reflects a lack of choice and lack of full-function. I dont suggest you use noobie media editors if you want to play big. I recommend you the softwares of Adobe, Premiere Pro and After Effects to be exact--they are extremely professional editors, and After Effects do things far beyond movie editing, just keep that in mind. Ahem, but also keep in mind that: After Effects works better on Windows, given the same hardware. See the details here: The Great After Effects Mac/Windows Smackdown: CS4 Edition

You see a very few great third party apps for Mac OSX is because their support for third party development is pathetic.If it improves ,u most probably will see a much faster After Effects on Mac than windows. Most of favourites apps on Mac are made by apple themselves.I feel apple wants to keep it that way.

I have been a windows developer for most of years and moved to mac last year and I must admit it is most user friendly OS I have used till now. It just those minor things which it does give a much better user experience.

And to the windows and mac bashers , I would like to say "to each his own".
peace out
LOL pokemonjc2, you will get smacked left right and centre by Apple fanboi's for bumping up this old thread.

You do have some valid points though. Earlier Mac OS was the choice for Graphics, DTP and video editing professionals simply because of the quality and performance of those respective apps on the Mac. But with OS X this is gradually changing. With the poor quality SDK's and framework's its becoming a pain to develop such professional apps and even more pain for users of such app's to use the app on Mac OS compared to Windows.

I am a Mac/Win developer myself working for a company which has been hand in hand with Apple since the 80's and also responsible for the first word processor and one of the first professional DTP applications for the Apple platforms. All our apps were Mac only will the late 90's after which they were ported to windows too. I personally feel that the quick port my company had done for our app to win runs much more stable than the one on mac. The major problem is the OS itself. Font management is very poor and buggy compared to windows and this is one of the major things required for a DTP app big or small. Apple has been totally neglecting its desktop platforms and every release is becoming more shitty with the latest being snow leopard.

Despite patching many of apple's bugs in our own code base to get our Mac version stability on par with windows, we still have to face the wrath of customers who have become too accustomed to Mac OS since their early days and don't like the stability of these apps on their Macs. These people don't understand that its the OS that is shitty, not the app. Even Adobe seems to have been facing this problem. But the trend is also changing from what I observed. Many professionals/freelancers/enterprises (especially the ones out side USA) have been gradually shifting to Windows. Americans for some reason don't ever want to blame Apple for bad software. Soon Mac OS will become a OS for casual users, even apple seems completely uninterested in its desktop platforms considering its getting much more revenue from its iPods and iPhones.
Ahhh, after all your name is alsiladka :P

I'm not a power user by I have a macbook and also use a macbook pro (both 2008, unibody) I quite got used to it and use both macs for a lot of office work, photo editing and surfing. Yes, it's not as usable as Windows is, but that could be on account of me using Windows for 10-something years and OS X for just under a year :)
I wonder if these are the disadvantages then what are the advantages? apart from bragging rights?

what i mostly hate abt them is they are providing 30K worth hardware @1 lakh.. and they update theirs macbooks in ages whereas prices of hardware falls daily.
also wudn't the coming snow leopard fixing these problems?
Despite patching many of apple's bugs in our own code base to get our Mac version stability on par with windows, we still have to face the wrath of customers who have become too accustomed to Mac OS since their early days and don't like the stability of these apps on their Macs. These people don't understand that its the OS that is shitty, not the app. Even Adobe seems to have been facing this problem. But the trend is also changing from what I observed. Many professionals/freelancers/enterprises (especially the ones out side USA) have been gradually shifting to Windows. Americans for some reason don't ever want to blame Apple for bad software. Soon Mac OS will become a OS for casual users, even apple seems completely uninterested in its desktop platforms considering its getting much more revenue from its iPods and iPhones.

Interesting thought... Never knew that.
Mac is a vision of what Steve Jobs thinks an OS shud look and feel like (His fetish for all things white and grey)
none wants anything shoved down their throat we all want options freedom .
Lets all admit it Apple is just a one man show it all goes down the drain when Steves gone .
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