@ALPHA17, what does this mean? good or bad??? lol, sorry I did'nt quite understand the statement..
For Sapphire it is Aditya Infotech. No bead on these guys.
No bead on something means, I do not have a clear shot at them.
Basically I have never dealt with Aditya Infotech in person, so will refrain from making any misleading comments. Though for the most part I have heard they are reliable people.
@ALPHA17 and @asingh... Computer empire has sapphire 7850 available for 15500. My brother is going tomorrow to buy it. Also, @arpan has a 7850 in stock.. If you want you can ask him the price... Or, if you guys can come to Nehru place tomorrow, we can meet. this weekend would most likely be tough for me as I have to go somewhere else...