51-70k My first PC : suggestions for a noob

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The prices I have been quoted by the dealer ( before discounts )

Intel 6500 : 14600 + vat

MSI H170 gaming M3 : 11200
Gigabyte z170 gaming : 14000
Gigabyte h170 d3h : 10700

Corsair spec 3 : 4450
Samsung eVo 250 Gb : 8000
Wd blue : 3260

Asus 960 4 Gb : 18900
Asus 970 4 Gb : 28000
Gigabyte g1 970 :29990
Asus 950 2 Gb : 14.1k
Asus 960 2 Gb : 16.4k

Corsair LPX 8 Gb 2400 ram : 3460

G skill 2400 ram 8 x 2 : 6650

Seasonic 620'w : 6100

This is what was given by the retailer. Subject to further changes.
You can very well go for a B150 board here. If you are pretty sure about upgrading GPU one year down the line, get 960 2GB one. Dunn go for GTX950. It was suppose to be a replacement for GTX750 Ti, which was a VFM card. However it has been priced very badly.
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Just a point if he is keeping PC for long term with directx 12 coming and nvidia cards 960 and 970 not having full directx 12 support he should postpone GPU upgrade if can. July around is the time for fury successors also.
oh so GTX 960/970 are not fully supported by DX 12?
Does this mean they cannot play Dx12 games, or that they cannot use the whole eyecandy?

ok I have one more doubt. Since I am purchasing the system from an outstation shop, I will be able to install windows only once it reaches my home.
So how do I exactly go on about verifying that all the components are neatly in place and working as they are expected to?

secondly, do I need to retain the individual boxes for warranty/RMA purposes or is the retail invoice enough?

I am being a complete noob here, so please forgive..

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Check any tests/benchmark of ashes of singularity. AMD is beating nvidia in directx 12. Nvidia don't have asynchronous compute in any maxwell card. They using software/driver solution. For components check that seals on box are not tampered and you should keep the invoice. And box etc you should try to keep as it will be easy in case of RMA as packing of hardware is easy in OEM box.
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Oh ok now at the price of 18k the shops are also giving the option of older cards at the same prices...

Gtx 770 4gb wind force 18k
Sapphire R9 285 2 Gb 18 k

Yes , going for the i3 6100 and asus GTX 960 will save me 6k + 10k = 16k

So I can go for a seasonic 520w psu instead and still be within 55k . Nice

But can i3/960 play 2015 games at full HD? Battlefield 4? The latest Tomb raider ?
And will the i3 be good enough for DXO optics ?

Thanks for the suggestion.
avoid dual core and dual core with hyperthreading processors. ubisoft is blocking farcry on dual core processors. they may block more games in future
oh so GTX 960/970 are not fully supported by DX 12?
Does this mean they cannot play Dx12 games, or that they cannot use the whole eyecandy?
there is a lot of differing info about this out so i'll try to sum it up:
dx12 has multiple features and currently no gpu supports ALL of them. amds supports some like a-sync, nvidia has hbao and other advanced lighting/shadow features.
currently the number of dx12 games is too limited to be definitive but early results are showing amd favorably.
that being said it doesn't mean skip the 960. remember, most of these features are in 'ultra quality'.
the 960 is a mid-range card and should give good mid-range performance for the next year or so.
stick to your budget.
you can also consider second hand cards. with pascal/polaris coming out in june/july people will be upgrading from r9 290/gtx 970 class gpus.
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From where you guys get this kinda quotes. I would love to know... Excellent pricing for this SSD
Underquoted. You won't get them at the prices which they posted them here. I'll be more than happy to be proven wrong.
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Underquoted. You won't get them at the prices which they posted them here. I'll be more than happy to be proven wrong.

yes, during the course of my research in buying a new PC, I was also surprised to find that most of the components (pc components) are cheaper offline as compared to online marketplace even after taking bank offers/retailer discounts in consideration.

And yes the price quoted for 120 GB ssd is accurate as per the seller in kolkata. Other sellers have also quoted around the same price margin.
Also all the prices that I have quoted so far in this thread , kindly add 5% VAT to get the total price of the product.

With the disclaimer that I am yet to verify the brand and model, Evo 850 series does carry a premium in the market I believe.

coming back to the topic, All this confusion about new GPUs coming out has me confused. I am giving serious consideration to buying a PS4 now and getting the PC in december when all the hullaballoo around polaris vs pascal vs DX 12 vs mantle would have settled.

But might change my mind If i see a really sweet deal for a 970 or 390 ;)


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If PS4 exclusives like remastered Last of Us or Uncharted 4 (yet to be released) arent your must plays, get a xbox one. Xbox is getting larger and larger each day now
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For me , personally, naughty dogs and its gamesare what make ps4 what it is. If I buy a playstation, one of the reason will be uncharted 4.
also considering that ps4 fails to run some recent game fluently, I am also waiting for consumer reports of how tomb raider(latest) fares on it.
platformers are coming back I feel.
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