Or get a card with a low value for foreign sites.
Wont help, exceeding the limit on credit cards means you will face a penalty, not that transaction will be denied
Or get a card with a low value for foreign sites.
They wouldnt have an overlimit charge (and surely not one charged as a percentage) if the transactions got stopped if you went overlimitI think they can be maxed out, and transactions stop. At least I was told that.
You have HDFC CC so should have used their netsafe VCC service
10 Massive Security Breaches -- InformationWeek
unencrypted customer details is all it takes for a security breach.. and many sites don't encrypt! mostly international only...
but in India most sites will have verified by visa and mastercard secure code so its safe.
I know it is tempting, but try not to use your CC/Plastic card on a site which does not have Secure code (payment gateways) and does not ask for the I-PIN. Mostly foreign sites do not even have this set up. Or get a card with a low value for foreign sites. I was once trying my Visa card on a foreign gateway, and Citibank denied them the transaction, because they did not have 3D Secure set up.
It's a private bank. Even if you don't pay the money they can't legally come to your house to ask for it. Follow the procedures to file a dispute. Don't pay them whatsoever.
My aunt got charged 15k. Hers was an SBI card. After almost a month, got the email stating that all the charges were reversed and she got a new card.
Recently my friend also made a transaction from that site.i helped him to do the transaction.payment in that site is really didnt take the debit card.Now i am getting worriedI did purchase some material off this site - Aristotle Prep - The Leading Online Test Prep Content Provider I was a bit suspicious when making the payment too. Their site refused my debit card. So, I had to use my credit card. Though I have no doubt about the site in general (they are a well known GMAT prep site) but looking at their site, I think that their site might have been compromised in some way. But that is the only doubt I have. Rest all transactions have been made to well known sites such as Flipkart, Hostgator etc.
But, I don't agree to the praying part. As far as such things are concerned (where it is not in my hands), I don't pray to God to resolve it. We always remember God when times are bad, isn't that a bit unfair? That too, 3 times a day. He must be having better things to do.
lol no credit card for me. Just debit. I wish they could give these to 18 year olds.But credit cards do encourage us to spend more than required. While I appreciate the convenience, I also see how the high limit makes credit card theft an attractive target for hackers. I generally keep very less money (10-15k) in the bank account from which I make my online transactions. But here, I was able to be charged for 3 times the amount in my account. It could very well have been 5-6 times the money actually present in my account. Thankfully, I get a message and HDFC does a follow-up call after each high-value transaction so at least I was alerted in time.
Let's hope that HDFC is able to cancel that transaction because I am not going to pay the money.