My HDFC credit card hacked; charged 51.5k

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Well, you will get a 50k penalty if successful, but such a transaction would probably be flagged as fraud (and I guess any transaction of 2L would be)

Pushing it to 20-30k is more likely to be successful
You have HDFC CC so should have used their netsafe VCC service

I know, I know I should have taken out some time and used the VCC option. :(
10 Massive Security Breaches -- InformationWeek
unencrypted customer details is all it takes for a security breach.. and many sites don't encrypt! mostly international only...
but in India most sites will have verified by visa and mastercard secure code so its safe.

Yeah , now I am going to be careful with unknown sites..

I know it is tempting, but try not to use your CC/Plastic card on a site which does not have Secure code (payment gateways) and does not ask for the I-PIN. Mostly foreign sites do not even have this set up. Or get a card with a low value for foreign sites. I was once trying my Visa card on a foreign gateway, and Citibank denied them the transaction, because they did not have 3D Secure set up.

I totally agree.. I should have been more careful especially when the first time I tried, HDFC rejected the transaction (with my debit card) saying that the site was untrusted. :\
Is it possible to force some means of 2 factor Authentication like VBV even on sites that don't support it?
It's a private bank. Even if you don't pay the money they can't legally come to your house to ask for it. Follow the procedures to file a dispute. Don't pay them whatsoever.
My aunt got charged 15k. Hers was an SBI card. After almost a month, got the email stating that all the charges were reversed and she got a new card.
It's a private bank. Even if you don't pay the money they can't legally come to your house to ask for it. Follow the procedures to file a dispute. Don't pay them whatsoever.

Yeah, I have done that. They said that the follow-up investigation will take around 15-20 days to complete. They should have some preventive measures, like delaying the payment etc. , when the credit limit given to me is nearly double my salary. :|

My aunt got charged 15k. Hers was an SBI card. After almost a month, got the email stating that all the charges were reversed and she got a new card.

That is reassuring to hear. Hoping for the same. Fingers crossed..
I did purchase some material off this site - Aristotle Prep - The Leading Online Test Prep Content Provider I was a bit suspicious when making the payment too. Their site refused my debit card. So, I had to use my credit card. Though I have no doubt about the site in general (they are a well known GMAT prep site) but looking at their site, I think that their site might have been compromised in some way. But that is the only doubt I have. Rest all transactions have been made to well known sites such as Flipkart, Hostgator etc.
Recently my friend also made a transaction from that site.i helped him to do the transaction.payment in that site is really didnt take the debit card.Now i am getting worried
@Sei Don't worry mate something like this happened to one my uncle(2 years) although he was charged 16k something. He denied and HDFC back took back the money, so i guess you'll get the money.

Bass din mein 3 baar bhagwan ki pooja karo, ve sab theek krdenge :lol:
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^ Yeah, I hope that the bank does that.

But, I don't agree to the praying part. As far as such things are concerned (where it is not in my hands), I don't pray to God to resolve it. We always remember God when times are bad, isn't that a bit unfair? That too, 3 times a day. He must be having better things to do. :)
But credit cards do encourage us to spend more than required. While I appreciate the convenience, I also see how the high limit makes credit card theft an attractive target for hackers. I generally keep very less money (10-15k) in the bank account from which I make my online transactions. But here, I was able to be charged for 3 times the amount in my account. It could very well have been 5-6 times the money actually present in my account. Thankfully, I get a message and HDFC does a follow-up call after each high-value transaction so at least I was alerted in time.
Let's hope that HDFC is able to cancel that transaction because I am not going to pay the money.
But, I don't agree to the praying part. As far as such things are concerned (where it is not in my hands), I don't pray to God to resolve it. We always remember God when times are bad, isn't that a bit unfair? That too, 3 times a day. He must be having better things to do.
It was supposed to be a joke. Nvm
But credit cards do encourage us to spend more than required. While I appreciate the convenience, I also see how the high limit makes credit card theft an attractive target for hackers. I generally keep very less money (10-15k) in the bank account from which I make my online transactions. But here, I was able to be charged for 3 times the amount in my account. It could very well have been 5-6 times the money actually present in my account. Thankfully, I get a message and HDFC does a follow-up call after each high-value transaction so at least I was alerted in time.
Let's hope that HDFC is able to cancel that transaction because I am not going to pay the money.
lol no credit card for me. Just debit. I wish they could give these to 18 year olds. :D
Seriously, you need not worry too much about this.
Just keep track of your transactions and alerts daily.
You have already done what you need to do in this matter and running too scared in the future is pointless. Yes, frauds are possible, but as a consumer you are protected if you follow certain safety measures and guidelines as far as credit card frauds are concerned. Banks are as much responsible to protect you from CC fraud as you are responsible to protect yourself. This is why the chargeback system exists in the first place. (Its a b**ch to the retailers sometimes, but its there to safeguard the card holder ).

Using debit card is actually more scary proposition compared to credit card. This is why I never use my debit card ever anywhere :P
In the future if you are ordering from little knows site, just use VCC if you are not sure about their credentials. But its not must for every transaction. If paypal is an option, always go for that. And as far as this matter is concerned, there is nothing to worry about.
Horrible to know despite RBI taking steps to prevent fraud such things happens.
I too agree with the GoDaddy thing. It stored your card information. I got an email from GoDaddy notifying me that my Credit card is getting expired 4 months before my Auto renewal date. And I should update it with new payment details.

I generally put a small sticker to cover the CVV on my card and never leave it unattended at store billing counters. Follow it as a good practice. If you notice they have a habit of keeping the card with them till the bill is printed and you sign the slip. I usually take the card as soon as the slip starts getting printed.
At Jumbo Electronics (Inorbit mall) I swiped my card for 80k and the transaction did not happen. I tried for 25K it failed again. It succeeded with 10K. But I received a call from CITI confirming the multiple swipes and they verified my account information and then unlocked the card for higher amount transactions. Also now a days stores check for identity proof if the transaction is more than 10k. Strangely (and stupidly) Jumbo elec. wanted to take a photo copy of my card since it had my photo. I scolded that sales person and gave his manager a peace of mind.
In INDIA we cant expect them to be smart ... here we as cardholders need to be aware and alert.
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