My Latest Creation

PiXeLpUsHeR said:
FYI Guys, this is akin to using Illustrator as Vector Art and is made using the pen tool (not pen and tablet) and then using gradient fills for the vector shapes and using outlines for the highlights.

Whilst there is no doubt that this is awesome work and fantastic for a newbie in photoshop, my guess is that the original was used as a layer underneath to trace vector shapes from and is not terribly difficult for a pro. That said....

Really nice work congrats... ;) a very good effort

but I would suggest that you would have better success with this type of work in Illustrator or Freehand

He is 100% correct, Thats exactly how i make these vectors
rahulduggal said:
He is 100% correct, Thats exactly how i make these vectors

Ohhhhhh k!!! wahi wt i xactly wnted to say, "reference layer for Drawing"...

Rahul, GR8 work dude...........
Great stuff. I made this a couple of years back - my only sort-of completed vector art. Used a reference image. Not as nice as yours as you can see.. :)


It's not really difficult to learn but it is a painstakingly long process. Very repetitive and you have to be very precise all throughout.
cyberjunkie said:
Great stuff. I made this a couple of years back - my only sort-of completed vector art. Used a reference image. Not as nice as yours as you can see.. :)


It's not really difficult to learn but it is a painstakingly long process. Very repetitive and you have to be very precise all throughout.

Kindly fit a TOP GEAR wing on tht ccx for some outstanding performance :p :)