My Latest Toy - Key Board - Logitech diNovo Edge


Its my time to show off :eek:hyeah:

My Latest Toy - Logitech diNovo Edge wireless keyboard

Jack in the box

From the side

Inside the box

Accessories - Bluetooth, Manual, Charger

TouchDisc scrolling and Touch Sensitive Volume control

Oh.. ooH.... and it lights up
Thanks you guys.
The keyboard is very responsive. Shorter Strokes. When fully charged, can retain charge for a long time (2 weeks since i charged - reviews say it can hold for a month).
Believe me - its thin. (maybe i should post some pics) Sometimes i get scared that it might break :rofl:

11.6k on a keyboard.

I though I was crazy buying a 50$ Z-Board.

One question.. Why did you go for this? :/..

Congrats on the purchase anyways :/.
11.6K on a Keyboard u r insane man.

It looks killer but not worth 11.6K , frankly speaking.

U cud have invested in some other component.

Anyways Congrats on ur Keyboard.
I wont ask why.... People do stuff they like.

SOme people spend insane amounts on girls, some on bikes, some on cars...

Your money, spend it on what you like man.... CONGRATS !! That sure looks sexxxxy !!
^^Yeah messa agree with you.

Only thing it doesn't have is the numeric Pad, they could have given out a separate num pad like in the previous model, otherwise this one looks damn awesome, Black Beauty i must say:D.

Congrats dude!!! and how about a mini review of ur toy :)
11k for a keyboard!!!111ONEONEONE

And I thought I was nuts for spending 2.3k on an mx518 last week :|

Anything worth this much deserves a review!
Why are you guys making such a big deal of the price ??

He liked it, he could afford it. He bought it.

So what ??

Dont people buy Mercs and BMWs every other day ??
actually no...that would be a diamond encrusted 22karat gold keyboard :p

PS: Sorry for the lame analogies...... It's the Jeremy effect :p