My Macbook Air 13"

Bad idea. Performance issues, improper battery management, choppy drivers. You can use it as a secondary OS to complement the primary one, but if you are planning to run Windows all the time, I wouldn't suggest it.
Not really if you are running it with Parellels Desktop :). I have used it with current generation Air for 1 year , primarily with Visual Studio 2012 90% of the time in Windows 8. Never faced a problem that you are suggesting. Actually this is the only setup that allows me to Run Visual Studio and XCode in the same machine!.
I bought one too...I'm loving it...its like I had a religion conversion...was a Window guy since childohood and for the first time in my life..I don't want to go back to windows.


Couldn't have put it in better words. Though some things are still easier on Windows but for daily use I find Mac to be much much better then Windows.

Couldn't have put it in better words. Though some things are still easier on Windows but for daily use I find Mac to be much much better then Windows.
yes sure...for advanced users, windows is good but for people like me...Mac is awesome...trackpad is them...
i got me a mac air 13inch too. got it day before night.
loving it so far. it my first apple product since my first ipod mini 4gb almost a decade ago.
love the guestures and the mail client. dislike a few things.
overall experience is pretty good :)
Bought mine today. Ended up buying the 256GB version for 79k.
I went to buy a Windows ultrabook, but none was this cheap for such specs. I was looking for Lenovo U510 but it wasn't available. The Sony Vaio Pro 13 was there and I would have bought that had the same store not have the MBA as well. The Vaio Pro 13 was gonna cost 73k for the 128GB version whereas I was getting 256GB MBA for 79k. The higher storage made it easier for me to make the decision.
The gestures and everything are nice but I won't be able to stick to it as I am too accustomed to Windows and there are some programs that I rely on heavily that aren't available MacOS.

Quick question from those who have more experience. Between Bootcamp and Parallels which is better.
Any One using FCP on the latest Air 2013 version.
Just want to know how is the performance running the program
Please suggest some cases. I really like the Incase Perforated hardshell case but it is not available in India easily.
How do you get a students discount?

For students Apple officially offers some discount on Macs. This program is running all year long, but the discount offered is more between June-September (Back to school period). During this period Apple offered 14% discount on the new MacBook Air and that's how I got it for 63k. Unfortunately the Back to school scheme is over on 15th September and the discount is back to 6%.

If you still want to claim it you need to carry,

1. College ID
2. Current year's fee reciept
3. Passport/Driving License/Aadhar Card/Voter ID

That's it! You'll get the discount. For more details you can contact the nearest iStore.
Just seen a video on youtube.
Impressed by build quality. Thinking about getting one for me. Sick of poor quality windows laptops.
If you make the switch to mac I truly believe you will find it a satisfying experience. No more stupid driver problems no more contact windows help centre, no more application has stopped responding.
Ha ha, agreed here totally. I am running Hackintosh and Mavericks is just awesome.

Btw how to take photos like that? Everything blurred except at the center, focused on product... Do I need a DSLR or I can do with my iPhone 4? or is it done with apps like Picasa?