Monitors My Monitor Has Disease

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ok i got a really crappy monitor HCL hcm580m... but now its bcome worse .. the whole monitor has gone yellow ... and its because of the heat... i turn the cooler on next to it and it becomes fine n a few mins... anyone knows whats wrong with the darn the picture tube history? coz i cant afford a new one now :@
No solution....mine was yellow for six months. Didnt even know it was heat. Zhopudey had the same too....

shrey said:
ok i got a really crappy monitor HCL hcm580m... but now its bcome worse .. the whole monitor has gone yellow ... and its because of the heat... i turn the cooler on next to it and it becomes fine n a few mins... anyone knows whats wrong with the darn the picture tube history? coz i cant afford a new one now :@
er no solution?? tat means? nothing can be doing abt it ? even under warranty?

cause my friend has a glaring yellow screen and he`s gonna go blind pretty soon :)

and how the does heat cause it go yellow? any insights?
1st_Idiot, mine wasn't heat problem. My vga cable was bad. Got that replaced, and now everything is hunky dory :ohyeah:
First thing is try degaussing the monitor.

second reason is that some components are nearing their end. I has a similar problem with my old 14" monitor, only diff is that instead of yellow, it was red. At first it turned red and back on its own. later it stayed red all the time. Got it repaired by a computer repair person. He replaced an IC and some caps that have gone bad.

One more thing. running an air cooler near a monitor can be disastrous. be careful...
well i guess i should get the VGA cable replaced will try taht... or maybe jus service it like zhopudey...i will go blind pretty soon myself ...and i dunno how the heat causes it ... was never a problem until the temperatures rose... and the aircooler isnt right next to it ... but cools the thing down substantially..:p

and guys ive put together enough money to get KINGSTON hyperx 3200 1 gig kit from Rio ... what do u guys think of it? its for 4.5k jus want a few opinions

right now i have a hynix ddr400 512 mb module... not sure if its d43 or d5 ... got to chk that one up.. so its a worthy upgrade right coz i don plan on switchin to DDR2 or am2 ..
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