Storage Solutions MY Sony dvd writer is dead i suppose ?-help me..!

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Analog Vibes
:'( :'(

I have a sony DW-Q120 A dvd writer..which i bought 5 months is OEM ..and i dunno if their is any warranty..i did not use the writer much..but today when i ejected the tray ..and inserted a dvd it was just not !!
then i tried each and every cd-rom /dvd rom..of various well as some original movies..,but it does not recognise any of them...when i insert a disc..and then try to open it it says please insert disc in drive F ..i dunno what to!! i changed the IDE cable..and then un-installed and re-installed. the drivers..etc. but still it doesn't the device manager also everything looks. normal..
what can be the problem ?can it be realted to the lens of the optical drive ?do OEM drives have warranty ?....please help me sort out this problem..
looks like the dvd drive is dead :'( :'(
c'mon guys .whtz up wid u ??..put on u r thinkin caps..and please try to sort out my problem .!!

thnx in advance...cauz i knw..u ppl ..will give me some solution
x86 said:
Take it to the shop its 5 months have to be under warranty.
get it replaced :).
isnt there any troubleshootin tht can be done. b4 i take it back to the shop ?
may be the problem can be solved..without ..taking it to the shop..cauz i got it from lamington road..and the place is far away from my house. !!
why do u want to do some troubleshooting and complicate matters even more? let the ppl u brought from do the troubleshooting. do as x86 said and go to the shop from where u got it from. if any problem is found out they might just give u a new drive.
If u try troubleshooting on your own(i.e physically) the warranty will be void...even if u do successfully trobleshoot it, the problem may resurface after a while...always better to get a replacement if within warranty :)
Sony drives suck they dont have replacement parts available for drives more than 1 yr old, Avoid Sony opticals drives at all cost. Sony definately needs to pull up their socks and try making the drive worth for the money u put in, i spent 6k on a Sony DVD writer dru710a in 2005 and it conked out on meexcatly one month after warranty. and when i wanted to get it repaires it seems sony service center cannot get the spares.
Go back to the delaer return it and get an LG drive
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