The problem is that the new AC is used very rarely since no one is home. My grandmother uses the XP13LV and to her it provides ample cooling. She runs it for 1 hr (I have set temp at 26 C) and switches it off. The room remains cool for 1-2 hours.I see you own both the imported Sharp (XP13LV) and the recent India made (XP13PHT), both being installed in adjacent rooms. Can you kindly elaborate your overall experience on both the ACs. Are the current Sharp's that bad that we should start consider omitting from our buying list? When you bought the XP13PHT, was it a VFM or cost the same as competitor inverter models?
I have been out for so long, I do not have the current market status so it will be very helpful if you can pour in your views. I need to help someone to buy an inverter AC, but I am not certain if we can have a go for the recent Sharp models. Will avidly wait for your response.
I use the newer AC on saturdays/sundays. But not the whole day. I run it at 27C with the ceiling fan running. I feel that it provides good enough cooling.
When I had bought the newer AC, it cost a lot less than equivalent inverter AC s from Hitachi. Total I paid for my AC came to around 38k (with installation + extra copper tube + vaccuming). Hitachi inverter AC cost around 44k+ at that time.