page appears if page not found

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In my Internet explorer browser, if i stumble upon a 404 or page not found, then my browser redirects me to mybroswerbar[.]com page where it says

Oops! This page appears broken. DNS Error - Server cannot be found.

It was never there before, started itself. How to avoid this.
This page has some random yahoo results below the message and they are irrelevant to what i am trying to find and sometimes of pr0n nature :@
must be because of some dns servers you're using. i'm using dns advantage dns servers and get a redirected page when i get a 404 with yahoo results too. but no pron or any ads.
Hi, my name is Laurentiu and I work for Spigot.

I am here to provide information about how to disable the redirection to Please take a look here: Spigot - Turn on the Revenue

Please contact me from our website Spigot - Turn on the Revenue if you need more help.

Sorry for posting so late but I think this is still useful information for those who are getting that error.

Thank you.
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