Myth: UPS can't run on inverter?

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I have a pure sine wave inverter. Hence the power quality is claimed to be better than the regular power supply (MSEB). So was wondering as why UPS can't be run off inverter? Is it a myth?

It can be run. Only thing is when power goes, your UPS will take over for a short while and then will provide power from the inverter. I have a similar setup at my place. Ive got a 800VA Su-Kam Sine Wave Inverter and an APC 750VA UPS.
Ahhh great.... that solves my HPTC power problem.

For last many days, I had been thinking about this. My entire home is covered under inverter (except for kitchen, gas geyser in bathroom) and was wondering if the HTPC's UPS would have any problem with inverter.

Thanks a lot guys!

yeah ive been running my microtek 600VA UPS for 2 years on my Usha Zentra Digital Inverter 800VA probs at all :)
My APC doesn't run on generator, its sad..really sad.

Although I'm using it just for uninterrupted supply of broadband (modem + router).

My generator can run A/C but this UPS keeps running on a

by the way I got this microtek ..its pretty good
Yeah, I'm using my 1kVA Powersafe with the 2kVA inverter at home for almost a few years now. No problems whatsoever!
My APC works fine on an invertor when I reduce the sensitivity to Medium or Low.

When the Sensitivity is set to high, the UPS keeps on shifting from battery to mains and back continuously in a loop.

Hope this helps.
^^Had the same problem inverter is not pure sine wave so it ended up destroying me ram which used to lead to restarts while gaming :(
Ambar said:
^^Had the same problem inverter is not pure sine wave so it ended up destroying me ram which used to lead to restarts while gaming :(

If it's a Quasi Sine Wave invertor there should be no prob. I'm using one for about 4-5 yrs now and I don't remember any part blowing off.

But, you should have a UPS with AVR in between. :D
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