n73 me or k810 ?

It depends, if u want more of a smart phone with lots of free softwares and games then the N73 ME. Otherwise K810, its not much fuss, serious cam fone.
+1 for the 810 camera. I know there are lots of Nseries fans here. But if ur not gonna be using any of the smartphone features then dont get it. Interface wise, the 810 is much better and faster menus too :) Go try both out at any shop and see for urself.
Many ppl may choose to differ, but i think when u r spending around 15-16k on a phone and u have the option of getting a good smartphone which does a lot more than a usual cam/music phone, then its always a better option..

the n73 has a gr8 cam too, n u'll not be stuck with what s/w the manufacturer bundled in the phone and add more softwares tht suits ur needs... so i think, in overall aspects, the N73 is a much better phone..:)
I have a N93 and have used the 810 earlier, i dont know what smart features people use in the phone. I have never seen anyone using them anyway other than the first few days of excitement. So for me, its certainly the 810. Its got better music and ofcourse a great camera.
i own a n73 me...its de best u can get in de n-series for 15k r so,dude.....

sony z gud too,may b less in application wise....i would prefer n73
if u r plannin to buy a cell for music n camera then go for k810i...:D
if u want to go beyond this go for n73 as it has large 3rd party apps, high quality games . :eek:hyeah: good news with n73 users is nokia going to release next platform ngage games for it .... whch is damn cool..... :hap2: