N97 mini - USB trouble - Not connecting to PC

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A Nobody.
Hi all.

I have a pblm from this morning with my n97 mini.

When i connect the phone to PC via USB cable. its not getting detected.

1. its not detected in PC
2. I have put the phone to ask in every connection, which mode i want. That is also not happening.

I can charge using my charger, so the port is ok. i think.

any ideas?
Have you by any chance installed the SPB Mobile Shell software on your phone ??Asking because after i installed it on mine(Nokia 5230), my USB connection went for a toss and it never connected in PC Suite mode. I had to remove the software everytime i wanted to connect the phone for internet access.

yes. i will try that. recommended by someone else also.


I was using a belkin usb hub. will try on mobo also.
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