Need a good chinese phone

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i need a good chinise phone. I stay at mumbai. Where can i get one with good price(tell wheather bargaining is required). Please tell the model no. Model with user experience will be an added advantage.My budget is (4500)
Mate y r u so interested in China phones?

There is no guarantee on these phones.They don't last long and they don't have the features and quality of the original phone, and even if the phone goes dead a second after you buy it, your money is lost forever.

U wil get decent Nokia phones in that budget.
Actually it is realy a big problem to keep 3 mobile with me always. I want a dual sim phone. I can increase my budget by nother 3000. Today i saw a micromax model. Any idea on it? I also need an unlocked 3G modem. Help me to select a good one.
You know buddy, you get chinese phones with 3 SIM slots.Yes you do get them. Purchase that if you don't want to keep three phones :ohyeah:

Here you go:


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lulu27 said:
Actually it is realy a big problem to keep 3 mobile with me always. I want a dual sim phone. I can increase my budget by nother 3000. Today i saw a micromax model. Any idea on it? I also need an unlocked 3G modem. Help me to select a good one.

Check out the sciphone i68+ or the i9 models.:cool2:
Be sure u get the original even though these r clones of iphone! There is a huge market even for clones of the sciphone :@
Here is a review
The Chinese Clone: Sciphone i68+ 3G - TechEnclave
'Chinese' and 'good' don't even fit into the same sentence! :D Well at least wrt chinese goods that are dumped in India! :D
Chinese phones are not good , after all thanks to the free gifts , u get CANCER absolutely
saqib_khan said:
^^ Whoa...who told u using Chinese phones cause u cancer and using branded phones don't? Justify ur philosophy.

What he meant is :), The branded phones use the "Quality parts" and the china phone (Unbranded phones) use "Cheap parts", so in theory ur chances or probability of getting cancer are more.:(

And if u r in mumbai, most of the residential building will those mobile towers :@ which r even bigger transmiters of radiations :S

So in the end u will either have cancer from the mobile u own, or the tower next to u will do the job :devil2:

So :bye2: meet u in :devil:
Mate y r u so interested in China phones?
There is no guarantee on these phones.They don't last long and they don't have the features and quality of the original phone, and even if the phone goes dead a second after you buy it, your money is lost forever.

U wil get decent Nokia phones in that budget.

he needs a chinese phone, so give him one !!!!!!!!!!!
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