To some extent but we play for entertainment and I think patience is not involved much in it
I think you are generalising far too much basis your personal reasons for playing. Not everybody plays for entertainment alone.
A lot of us play for immersion as well.
If you try to turn a car at 140km/h on a track, it's definitely not easy. Some games will let you feel this, and some won't. It's your choice.
This is why even racing games are divided into simulators and arcades. Shift 2 is not a simulator, but it's exceedingly difficult to play with a keyboard (but not impossible). MW2 is an arcade game, and 'career mode' can be wrapped up in less than six hours. In reality, MW2 was always designed to be for MP action and that's why the SP mode is so weak.
Fortunately, those of us who pay for our games know exactly what we want, and get those games and invest time and machine resources into playing and mastering them. Most kids with a laptop and a connection simply download the games and try them out, but don't have the skill or knowledge to master them and run around complaining how difficult they are.
Here's the thing - if it's too difficult even after you are provided clear tips, uninstall the game, and quit whining. If you paid for the game, sell it here on TE. I hope to see lots of discs of on the market here, given the number of pansies who cant play a sissy game like MW2.