Budget 10-15K Need a phone to keep me occupied for 2yrs atleast...!


I am looking for a phone within 15k..,it should have exceptional audio quality and it should be able to take a few good snaps and most important of all it"s hardware should be competent enough for at least 2 years to come...

1. Budget?
A: 15k

2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar

3. Preferred display type?
A: Amoled

4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: No to micromax..,spice etc.

5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen/Qwerty

6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Required a 5MP camera. Flash.
Good image quality

7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android, Wp

8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: 3G,WIfi

9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Music,Internet(Wifi)>Camera,Games> Texting >Calls

10. Any other requirements?
A: Don't require dual sim/require dual sim/etc.
The audio quality should be good...

11. If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
A: Lumia 620. what are the android's at offer ?
Agree with @raksrules. Most of the low-midrange androids doesnt get an update.

But you can go for the ones with JB in this price range as you wouldn't miss out on much since JB gives you project butter, google now etc...

If Android then the best option in this range is the Samsung Galaxy Advance ~ 13kish. At release it was a upper mid-range @ 20k. But after price cuts and the recent official JB 4.1.2 India rollout its an excellent proposition in that budget and fulfills all your needs.
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L9 is nice if you like a 4.7 inch screen. At 960x540 res the PPI is pretty good for a nice visual experience.

L7 is not worth it. Good 4.3 inch IPS screen but let down by its single core processor and Adreno 200 GPU.

L7 II is much better (but also more expensive). Has 1 Ghz dual core A5 processor and 768 MB ram (L7 has 512 MB).

That said Galaxy Advance is still better with faster A9 CPU vs A5 CPU on L7 II and has faster Mali 400 GPU vs Adreno 203 GPU on L7 II.

Consider L9 if you want a bigger 4.7 inch screen.

All above phones have JB updates.
Like @DarkAngel said the Galaxy S Advance is your best bet in this range. It has an AMOLED screen plus the music quality is pretty good on it.
The L9 is also a good option with a bigger screen and better resolution. However the MALI400 on the Galaxy S Advance is way better than the Adreno on the L7 II or the PowerVRSGX540 on the L9. Go for the S advance...
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Like @DarkAngel said the Galaxy S Advance is your best bet in this range. It has an AMOLED screen plus the music quality is pretty good on it.
The L9 is also a good option with a bigger screen and better resolution. However the MALI400 on the Galaxy S Advance is way better than the Adreno on the L7 II or the PowerVRSGX540 on the L9. Go for the S advance...

No other options eh ? What about the audio quality of the advance s?

What is the best price i can get it for ??
You guys got any coupon codes ?
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