51-70k Need advice on buying an Ultrabook for personal use with good display.

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My cousin want to buy a laptop. I suggested him to buy an Ultrabook. Need help from you guys to narrow down an option for him.

What will be your primary usage for the notebook be?: -
He's a Doctor so he requires a ultrabook with best display(HD preferably) so he can do his medical diagnostic case study with precision.

What size and weight considerations do you have?: -
An ultrabook with 15" display.

Any brand that you prefer, or any brand that you detest?: -
HP, Asus and Samsung. Sony if a 15" display available.

Any other considerations?: -
Should have a longer battery life. Like Asus laptops have(upto 4hrs)
Should have 750 to 1TB HDD, 4-6 GB RAM and i5 3rd Gen

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