In my opinion, you should keep insurance simple. Assess your insurance requirement and take the online route. As always, marketing people take advantage of low awareness level and introduce products which are complicated and you end up paying more which was ought not to be is PNB Met-Life "Met Family Income/ Protector Plus" term insurance?
A friend works in financial planning, I am planning to have one term plan for myself...
In a brief discussion with him he told online plans are good but make sure you opt for medical test. Buying without medical test isn't recommended at all..
Do this comparison:^^ how can you compare money back life insurance policies with other investment-only options such as RDs, FDs etc?
if you are going for money back life insurance , check with an online compounding interest calculator about the difference between FDs and money back returns many times you will be surprised to see the difference after a 15 year tenure .