Need Advice to improve English communication skills

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Read books, watch movies, get into habit of reading. Try to use power words in your sentences. It shuts up people and you have an edge even if they don't understand it.

Disclaimer: Sometimes it backfires :chicken::D
Funny, for Indians to whine about linguistic differences between American and British English. Of course, the English started the, well, English language. But it has grown beyond its origin. We're taught British English in our schools, but we've carved out an unique version out of it ourselves. There is no one "proper English." It is a highly adaptable language. That's what makes it easy to learn.

American or British, just learn the language and communicate your thoughts clearly.
It's not whining. Yeah we did have carve out a version to fit for ourselves, but that doesn't mean we are speaking the way it should be spoken. American English isn't even English, just because they use A to Z doesn't mean they are using English. I will let those ISIS muppets cut my head before writing check instead of cheque, been there, done that, meh on myself :(
It's not whining. Yeah we did have carve out a version to fit for ourselves, but that doesn't mean we are speaking the way it should be spoken. American English isn't even English, just because they use A to Z doesn't mean they are using English. I will let those ISIS muppets cut my head before writing check instead of cheque, been there, done that, meh on myself :(
We are doing exactly that. Languages evolve. The functionality remains the same. We are communicating here perfectly fine, aren't we?

American English is still English. It's spoken by far more people than even the original English.

Meanwhile, I'll write check to draw my cheques :D I'm an English content writer from India. I dabble between US and UK clients all the time. Believe me, it's not just the spelling variants we have to be worried about. The tone is significantly different too. US English is far more relaxed and informal. UK English is very strict and formal. What one finds funny, the other doesn't.

The language follows the culture. At one point of time there wasn't any difference between UK and US English, since it was the invading Britishers who settled their colonies there. The slight difference in the same language is borne out of the geographical, societal and cultural differences. Heck, even the UK English isn't exactly the same. It has changed too over the years.
^Technically speaking... BBC English is accent neutral. They try to keep it that way. its not British English. you wont be able to understand a word if someone speaks in British accent.
IMO its always better to learn to speak accent neutral. because you will unwillingly pick up an accent when you people.

if you didnt get what I meant by british english ;)
Accent is yet another factor. It doesn't matter much in communicating over the Internet (or writing). The Irish accent is PITA to understand. Australians have their own way of communicating, which I like for some reason. It's more fun.
American English is still English. It's spoken by far more people than even the original English.
LOL, really? I guess I live in a different world than you then.

Anyway, lets cut our ranting here (or only mine if you prefer that), I came here to suggest OP something, did that, now better stop it before going more OT.
Australians have their own way of communicating, which I like for some reason. It's more fun.
If Indians love Aussie accent, its because of just one person... Steve Irvin. Everybody loves him and enthusiasm explaining and love for the wild.
Best option is only to get someone who can speak quite well and can spend sometime talking to you. Maybe someone in your friends circle. Rest of the option I would say -

1. Buy a magazine about something, which you like to read, read one or 2 articles everyday, mark every word which you don't understand and write its meaning above the word. Can do nowadays using computer and mobiles, but the old ways are still the best I feel.

2. Download some English songs which sounds good to your ear and you can understand atleast a few words of singer. Then either write down the lyrics or a get a print out and sing yourself with the singer.

3. Watch some comedy shows, such as FRIENDS, during my struggles I found this comedy show's English most understandable. With the comedy shows you are hooked for quite long and at the end of series you will know yourself that now you understand atleast twice many lines comparing to what you could understand before you started.
watching movies, tv shows and reading comics/magazines is the best way to learn bad english.
stick to reading quality books like from the authors manoja2k has listed.
keep a dictionary handy (book or phone app).
if you don't know how to pronounce a word, google it (i do). try it with these - byzantine, envelope, silhouette, genre.
Think of the hindi you hear in movies and the hindi you're school teacher used, to understand what i'm on about.
watching movies, tv shows and reading comics/magazines is the best way to learn bad english.
Partly agree with you. Usually in the movies/TV shows reflects the character's accent. An Italian mobster, an Australian Dundee will reflect the the actual pronunciation of the character which may not be the right acceptable standard. Think of the accent of an African-American gangsta'. It's not the correct one and you would not like to use it in your day to day conversation.
So you need to be careful about the shows/movies that you select. To name a few - Jewel In the Crown, Yes Prime minister, Great Escape, even Gandhi (English version) are good ones to watch and learn.
Also watch Band Of Brothers series, Sherlock Holmes (BBC production) and many of the Oscar winning movies like My left foot, Amadeus, Killing fields. Driving Miss Daisy (it displays two contrasty way of speaking) is another recommendation from my side. Lincoln is a good exposure to various accents within early America. Harry Potter is another one which I will recommend whole heartedly. Only reservation is that Harry Potter contains many mythical/fantasy words which may not be pertinent to the current usage.
If you can lay your hands on any documentary where David Attenborough has lent his voice then definitely watch it. E.g.Planet Earth, Blue Planet and many of the Discovery channel's videos. Actually if you master the way he speaks, then you don't have to worry about anything else.
I find the English news of many of the Indian channels including our own DD can be a fair option to follow. With my limited exposure, I consider Hindu to be the best newspaper which can teach you about the sentence construction in a formal and semi-formal way.
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I think by reading all this the op seems to be quite confused or scared with so many suggestions and hence went off the topic..:p
watching movies, tv shows and reading comics/magazines is the best way to learn bad english.
learning to read is important but learning to listen and speak is importanter. :D

Good listening and speaking skill helps you shine in meetings. people who prepared for CAT and who use complex vocabulary are universally hated. keeping it simple and precise always helps unless you want to impress girls.
Joining a BPO/BPS at good MNC's like wipro,accenture,IBM has helped many of my friends to brush up their communication skills.
But to qualify for bpo you need to be that much good at least. Broken eng. won't count there and they only hire and train those who at least got some sensible command over the language.

Still at the end of the day these stupid neighbours comment "meh your son/daughter works at a call center" o_O
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