PC Peripherals need approximate prices for this rig i am building for my friend.

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Resident Medic
i consulted two threads of gaming rigs and quadmaster`s recommendations for amd rigs.

i also consulted our hardware guru darklord.

A64 3000 + winchester
MSI RS 480 M2 - IL
512 MB DDR 400 (my dealer recommends symtronics)
80 bg seagate baracudda sata
17" samsung 963 MB
KEy board and mouse logitech optical
cabinet any
powersupply VIP 400 w
Benq 1640 DVD writer
average grade speakers (need recommendation and prices of these)
tv tuner Pinnacle PCTV plus or Compro TV mate PVR

will be looking to use onblard gfx solutions for now.

may think of agp solutions
then my choices would be
MSI ne0 2 Platinum with geforce fx 5200
ASUS a8v deluxe with geforce fx 5200

also need prices foe ATI x300 and NVIDIA 6200TC based pcie cards if fal within budget may opt it with rs480 board.

i hope with help of te members i will be successfull in creating a good rig.

my friends is not a comp geek so no oc/ high gaming.
only casual gaming and tv watching and online stock deals are his main priorities.
medpal said:
i consulted two threads of gaming rigs and quadmaster`s recommendations for amd rigs.

i also consulted our hardware guru darklord.

A64 3000 + winchester - around 7K-7.5K
MSI RS 480 M2 - 5500
512 MB DDR 400 (my dealer recommends symtronics) - 2500-2700/Transcend
80 bg seagate baracudda sata
17" samsung 963 MB - You mean 763MB? Around 8K?
KEy board and mouse logitech optical - 300/450
cabinet any
powersupply VIP 400 w - 1.5-2K? Not sure..
Benq 1640 DVD writer - 3900-4100
average grade speakers (need recommendation and prices of these)
Intex/Typhoon/Creative SBS - around 400-600 for 2.0 speakers
tv tuner Pinnacle PCTV plus or Compro TV mate PVR - 2K-2.5K

will be looking to use onblard gfx solutions for now.

may think of agp solutions
then my choices would be
MSI ne0 2 Platinum with geforce fx 5200 - 9K for the board
ASUS a8v deluxe with geforce fx 5200

also need prices foe ATI x300 and NVIDIA 6200TC based pcie cards if fal within budget may opt it with rs480 board.

i hope with help of te members i will be successfull in creating a good rig.

my friends is not a comp geek so no oc/ high gaming.
only casual gaming and tv watching and online stock deals are his main priorities.

I've entered the approx prices in the quote boxes above.
Hynix D43 PC3200 2x256MB DDR400 Dual Channel

Go for Samsung 793DF 17'

Creative Inspire 2500 2.1 Rs1900 Lamington Rd Mumbai

TV Tuner Compro VideoMate PVR/FM Rocks Rs1995 MediaTech India [Best Video Quality]

Powersafe 400W Gold Plated Rs1.5K LamingtonRd , instead of VIP

AGP Solution
ASUS a8v deluxe with geforce fx 5200 128MB only no TC Rs6-6.5K [ASUS has better support in India]
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