Need Binocular Recommendation for Bird Watching

oh heavy. i would prefer something that is easy to carry.
I read somewhere that 8x42 would bee better for bird watching. What do you think?
Also how was the clarity of the lens?
Absolutely great.
Yes will bit heavy. Look I mostly use it for treks so when combine with all other equipment . I feel it is quite heavy but if you are only going to use it for safari or some quiet walk in jungle or Bird sanctuary etc.
You should be fine with it.

I also own a another ligher one ACULON T02 10X21 but not ideal for you even though very light weight.

as for pentax one , I remember I was on a trek and Watching Mountains with it. Someone requested me to take a look too. I passed it to him and he was so impressed with it . he started asking how much you paid and all.

He was offering me that money immediately for it.
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Pentax Papilio II is a classic. Lightweight and compact. 6.5x and 8.5x. A classic which is very popular.