Need Config help for PC in 20K.

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Hello All TE friends, One of my friend requires to assemble a pc for photo editing work & budget is 20k. He strictly wants a Intel setup even though I tried convincing him for AMD setup. So, plz help us now with your valuable inputs. Thank you
1. Q: What is your budget?
1. 20K

2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
1. CPU - Intel P4
2. Motherboard - Intel original
3. GPU - Onboard
4. RAM - Kingston DDR 1 gb
5. Monitor - Samsung 17 inches
6. SMPS - Local
7. CD & DVD drives
8. Speakers - Creative

3. Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
1. Monitor Samsung 17 inches
2. CD & DVD drives
3. Speaker Creative
4. Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
1. CPU - Intel i3
2. Motherboard - any compatible motherboard which is cheap & good.
3. Any good cheap spacious cabinet
4. SMPS CM GX 550 or Corsair VX 450
5. DDR 3 1X1 GB

5. Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
1. Yes, will upgrade the following after 6 months
2. GPU
3. Cabinet
4. RAM
5. Monitor

6. Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
1. Delhi , either Nehru place or any local TE vendor.

7. Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
1. No

8. Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
1. Mainly work
2. Browsing
3. Movies
4. Gaming
5. Download rig

9. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
1. Yeah want to buy only Intel Config.

10. Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
1. Any game which can be played

11. Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
1. No prefrence as such.
12. Q: Are you looking to overclock?
1. No

13. Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
1. Windows XP SP3
Why Intel only rig :S AMD will offer you a board with USB 3.0 and SATAIII (6Gbps) for the same price of a entry level H-55 board. But anyways here goes.

Components Description Price (INR)
Processor Intel Core i3 - 530 (2.93 GHz, 2 cores, 4MB Cache) 5650
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-H55M-UD2H 5750
RAM 2GB 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM 2600
Cabinet NZXT Gamma/CM Elite 335 2100
PSU/SMPS Corsair VX450 3700
Total 19800

  • The VX450 is a better PSU than GX550. Reviews of the GX series are not that promising whereas the VX450 is a solid, proven performer.
  • Why are going for a Cabby upgrade few months down the line again? The NZXT Gamma (i am not sure of availablity in NP) or the Elite 335 are good cabbies and good enough for a mid range system.
  • Go for 2GB RAM min. You can easily accomdate it in the budget so no issues.
  • Dont go for the Vanilla Intel H-55 ones which costs about 4.8-5k~ The Gigabyte mobo has all solid caps and HDMI port and is a much better buy than Intel boards.

Components Description Price (INR)
Processor AMD Phenom II X2 555BE(3.2Ghz, 2 cores, 6MB L3 Cache) 4900
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3/Asus M4A88TD-M EVO/USB3 5500/6500

If you are lucky you could also unlock the 555BE to quad core 955BE :D The Gigabyte mobo has USB 3.0 but only SATAII ports whereas the Asus has USB 3.0 as well as SATAIII ports. Both have Firewire, E-SATA and HDMI :)
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