PC Peripherals need final suggestions for new rig


hi.. i want to buy a full new system.. its not an upgrade.. i want proc, mobo, ram, hdd, cabby.. (rest i have monitor and drives etc)..

acc to switch's article.. i should wait for C2D eyes closed... but C2D shall take a month to be available, right?

i can't wait that long, its immediate requirement..

now what should i buy.. budget no problem... plz suggest, so that i may not land up buying some inappropriate rig at this time.. i live in delhi.. thnx
Intel D 940 , upgrade to core 2 duo within a few months
Intel Bad Axe or as good mobo
4 X 1GB DDR 2 667/800 mhz

Radeon X1900XT 512mb


Antec NeoHE 550/500
Core 2 Duo will be available soon, it's a matter of 1 week now (maybe sooner) and it's worth the wait...

Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (roughly 20k)

Gigabyte GA P965 DQ6 (13.5k) - order from here

GSkill 2GB PC2-6400 ($250 USD) - get this from the US, no quality DDR2 memory available locally

Antec NeoHE 500W (6.2k)

ATi X1900XT (someone should be able to publish it's price in India)

Seagate Barracuda 250GB SATA (4k)

Antec SuperLANBoy (5k)

For monitor decide whether you want an LCD or CRT
If you cant wait then give your money to me till the time 6600 is available... Patience nevert hurt anybody... So be patient my young Padwan... Haste will get you waste :eek:hyeah:
switch dear.. patience?.. i am patient man.. if its a matter of a week for C2D... fine then.. i can wait.. :)

RIO thnx for the Rig u suggested.. though i shouldn't exceed over 40k..may be an upgrade later is good??? (that was stupid when i said budget not a problem, considering 40 k enough for all i need) plz suggest me a rig which can prety well upgrade to C2D later n comes in my budget :).. thnx

i am not a gammer, i have never OC'd, though i may try OC'ing this nu rig..wanna run audio softs.. for composing music n earning $$$$
Heh... that's why you should mention an approximate budget :p Anyway, will you be gaming at all or do you need it for general use and to record music? Also, does the 40k include everything including chassis, monitor, PSU, mouse/kb, UPS, etc.?
For 40K you can get a very good AMD x2 platform.

AMD X2 - 8.5K approx

Good Mobo - 5 - 7K

RAM - 512 x 2 - 3.5K

PSU - Powersafe 450 W or budget - 2 K

Sub total : 20 K

HDD - 80 GB SATA - 2.5K

Moniter 17in CRT - 6K

Graphics CARD - 7K

Cabbie - 2K

Misc - 3K

Total = 40.5K

P.S. I am a noob so prices may not correct
He will not require a graphics card but will require more HDD space if he is recording music... the AMD X2 is a decent alternative but if he wants better performance, the E6300 is the way to go. Your other recommendations are good. I'll use some of them and assume he needs everything within 40k:

Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 (10k)

ASRock 775Twins (4k)

Transcend 2x1GB PC3200 DDR (8k) - if you don't want 2GB, 1GB will cost you 3.6k

Powersafe 450W (2k)

Seagate Barracuda 250GB SATAII (4k)

Generic cabinet (2k)

Samsung 798MB or 798MB plus (6k)

APC 500VA UPS (1.9k)

And you'll have 2.1k left for mouse, kb, etc.
guys.. thnx for ur efforts.. but i just need procy, mobo, RAM, HDD, PSU, Cabby.. nothing else pals.. so, 40k can get me a decent deal.. i am inquisitive to buy considering an upgrade later.. so i guess i can atleast get a mobo supporting C2D, if not C2D.. X2 3800 is not AM2.. then y should i buy 2 gb of RAM for 939 socket?

for music compositions, very high CPU power is required for MIDI, rec stuff etc.. so u know wat i need.. good floating point performance..i would like mix up wat RIO n Ultimate have suggested above.. plz hav a look n plz suggest how should i mix them n make a rig.. i'll prefer 300 gb HDD, 2GB RAM and An Antec cabby, 500 W PSU, Mobo supporting C2D and at procy i can save some money by not buying C2D E6600 this time.. n wait for prices to get down.. so meanwhile wat other procy should i buy which i may change by this year end.. but this procy should be a decent one.. now i made myself clear.. thnx