PC Peripherals Need Help! 1066RAM for an evening!

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Gamer, Tweaker, and such.
Hey guys,

I was busy taking part in this SuperPi OCing competition, that I can't link to, but unfortunately, it requires serious RAM bandwidth which my RAM can't provide at all with its 5-4-4 timings at 2.1v and these cannot do CL4 at 800Mhz :( and barely manage 5-5-5 at 840Mhz 2T.

So I was hoping someone in or around Navi Mumbai could help me with a DDR2 1066 kit which I need just for an evening or so, so I can run my benches. The memory won't be overclocked beyond 2.1v ( thats a board limitation Zzz ) and it will always have active cooling.

If anyone can help me, please let me know. I need the kit just for an evening, and I can also trade my own kit for the time period so the person can run his PC. Any help would be very appreciated.

Actually, even a good DDR2 800 kit will do. Corsair Dominators or Crucial Ballistix.



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A little help from someone?!
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