51-70k Need help before I buy my gaming rig.

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The Great Kaitu

Hello guys,I am an avid gamer who likes to play FPS games such as CS:GO,so I finally decided to harass my parents to buy me a gaming pc so that I can finally play till my hearts content.I asked many of my 'tech' friends and they gave me this youtube url:-https://youtu.be/tRAqm5RUF7s.....and I absolutely loved it.Now I will go into specifics,please check the video as I can make some errors while writing,the CPU components run like this:-
1)Processor-Intel core I5 6402p upto 2.8 Ghz.
2)Motherboard-Gigabyte H110M S2.
3)RAM-Corsair Vengeance 8 GB.
4)GPU-Zotac GTX 1060 3 GB.
5)Case-Corsair 100r.
6)Power supply-Corsair VS450
7)HDD-Toshiba 1 TB 720 rpm.

Now,I have 2 queries.
1)Can I buy intel core i5 6500 upto 3.2 Ghz instead of the 6402p.Will it create any problems for my cpu?
2)Do I need to buy a DVD writer?I cant see a dvd writer in the case?

And please recommend me a USB Hub with 3.0 ports(atleast 2-4 ports) with a long wire as my cpu will be far away from my main components.Will revert back soon as I am planning to buy within 3-4 days.
To be fair, it would be nice idea to wait till arrival of AMD ryzen , as there are already news that intel will slash prices.
Another things to consider that according to hype being built around ryzen, the 8 cores versions will be far superior to i5 while they fall in similar price range(still depends if they choose to ridiculously price in India).
You can buy the rig all now but waiting a bit might get you better rig for same price.

Other suggestions:
1)Avoid vs series from corsair psu lineup.
Budget -53.6K

Intel Core i5 6402P -13000,
Asus H110M-K -5000,
Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB 2400Mhz -4400,
WD Caviar Blue 1TB -3800,
Antec VP500PC -3200,
Zotac GTX1050Ti 4GB Mini -12000,
LG 22MP68VQP 22" LED IPS -8600,
Antec GX200 -3000,
Logitech MK200 -600.
Total -53,600.

4 port USB 3.0 hub -https://m.snapdeal.com/product/amkette-black-4-port-usb/677742311262
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To be fair, it would be nice idea to wait till arrival of AMD ryzen , as there are already news that intel will slash prices.
Another things to consider that according to hype being built around ryzen, the 8 cores versions will be far superior to i5 while they fall in similar price range(still depends if they choose to ridiculously price in India).
You can buy the rig all now but waiting a bit might get you better rig for same price.

Other suggestions:
1)Avoid vs series from corsair psu lineup.

Thanks,but I just cannot wait.I am thankful for your output,but I think I just even cannot wait for 2 days to order my first gaming rig[perhaps I may regret later,perhaps not],but getting an AMD CPU would mean that I would need to get a AMD GPU too,and I would have to start all over again the same build process which took me a month to make in the first place[after several recommendations],but still thanks.If you can help me with my i5-6402p/i56500 compatibility issues,I would greatly appreciate your help.Maybe you can recommend a nice budget USB Hub[2.0 or 3.0,preferably 3.0],with a LONG EXTENSION MALE-FEMALE CONNECTION,as my cpu will be on the ground and I need the HUB to be on the surface that is 3-4 feet up from the CPU.Thanks in advance.
P.S.why did you say to avoid the corsair VS series?what do you recommend in its place when you take a look at my rig,as I am going to game at least on an above-average basis,I think I would need a good power supply.And do I need cooling fans,or is this alright?How can one overclock,is it on by default,or one has to tinker with the settings?And,do I need DVD writer or anything,does it come with the case?

Budget -53.6K

Intel Core i5 6402P -13000,
Asus H110M-K -5000,
Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB 2400Mhz -4400,
WD Caviar Blue 1TB -3800,
Antec VP500PC -3200,
Zotac GTX1050Ti 4GB Mini -12000,
LG 22MP68VQP 22" LED IPS -8600,
Antec GX200 -3000,
Logitech MK200 -600.
Total -53,600.

4 port USB 3.0 hub -https://m.snapdeal.com/product/amkette-black-4-port-usb/677742311262

Thanks for your reply,but take a look at this video:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mseFZPD_ETQ.
Tell me,when you compare both the rigs,if your rig provides better gaming output[FPS and other shit] than mine on popular games such as CS:GO,fallout 4,etc.I know it is a lot of work,but if yours at least turns out to be on the same level as mine[while having a monitor],then I will certainly buy this rig.On another note,recommend me a good USB HUB[can be 2.0 or 3.0],but the most important aspect of the HUB needs to be its extension MALE-FEMALE connection,at least 3-4 feet,believe me,AT LEAST.And my friend recommended only TN paneled monitors[high frame rate,low refresh rate],as they are the best for gaming,you can recommend me a good TN paneled monitor in the budget of 4-7 K[preferably Viewsonic or Samsung],but it is alright if you cant find it now,as I am only going to buy it after 2-3 months of getting my rig ;).And,do I need DVD writer or anything,does it come with the case?.I just had a look of the USB Hub you had recommended.I measured the distance that is needed for the extension cable[32 inches at least] which is equal to 0.8128 metres[please check if your USB Hub has that],and will it support external HDDs[optional].Thanks in advance,brother (y)

P.S.Instead of i56402p that is mentioned in the youtube rig as well as in yours,I have preferred the i5-6500 3.2 ghz version[http://www.amazon.in/Intel-LGA1151-Socket-3-20GHz-Processor/dp/B010T6CWI2].This is the reason why:-http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i5-6500-vs-Intel-6402P.As you can see,the only advantage of buying a 6402p over 6500 is the price difference and the 3 month gap between them.
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You can go with either i5 processors as there will not be much difference in performance.

IPS monitors are the latest, though TN monitors provide better refresh rates they are the thing of the past now.
IPS monitors have better view angles.

You might not get the best monitor within your specified budget.
At least Dell S2240L IPS @ 8k is the most probable IPS monitor you might get. There is no such thing as high frame rate in budget monitors other than if you are going with gaming or professional monitors which are super expensive.
LG 22MP68VQP is a Free Sync Monitor if coupled with AMD GPUs like Sapphire or HIS RX470 4GB you will get best gaming experience. That's all.

DVD RW is not needed now.

Choose any belkin or amkette USB 3.0 Hub according to your budget & choice.

You are already out of your budget of 50K right.

Regarding Corsair VS450 or 550 series PSUs, they are not at all recommended keeping in view the longetivity of your components in your cabinet.
Because VS Series are for cheaper markets of Asia. They contain capacitors made from unknown Chinese companies.

If you care for your components then go with Antec VP450P or VP550P series PSUs.

If you think you know better then go with the suggested components in the above video buddy.

Finally it's your monies and your gaming rig. Right!
You can go with either i5 processors as there will not be much difference in performance.

IPS monitors are the latest, though TN monitors provide better refresh rates they are the thing of the past now.
IPS monitors have better view angles.

You might not get the best monitor within your specified budget.
At least Dell S2240L IPS @ 8k is the most probable IPS monitor you might get. There is no such thing as high frame rate in budget monitors other than if you are going with gaming or professional monitors which are super expensive.
LG 22MP68VQP is a Free Sync Monitor if coupled with AMD GPUs like Sapphire or HIS RX470 4GB you will get best gaming experience. That's all.

DVD RW is not needed now.

Choose any belkin or amkette USB 3.0 Hub according to your budget & choice.

You are already out of your budget of 50K right.

Regarding Corsair VS450 or 550 series PSUs, they are not at all recommended keeping in view the longetivity of your components in your cabinet.
Because VS Series are for cheaper markets of Asia. They contain capacitors made from unknown Chinese companies.

If you care for your components then go with Antec VP450P or VP550P series PSUs.

If you think you know better then go with the suggested components in the above video buddy.

Finally it's your monies and your gaming rig. Right!

@Emrebel for you too :p
You are more than right on the VS series[both of you].I checked,double checked and even triple checked various testing sites,reviews,even amazon comments....and they all said the same thing,IF YOU VALUE YOUR PC DON'T BUY THE CORSAIR VS OR EVEN THE CX SERIES FOR THAT MATTER.First of all,thanks to both of you for bringing this very important fact to my conscience.Now,guys I will tell you what the situation is....first of all I have already have bought all the other components such as the case,processor,etc[in fact,I have them at my home,just got delivered today].So,the question of another rig just flies outta the window.But,I'am asking your help for one last time[bear with me].These are the confirmed specs of my CPU now:-
1)Processor-Intel core I5-6500 LGA 1151 socket 3.20 Ghz processor[amazon].
2)Motherboard-Gigabyte GA H110M-S2 Socket LGA1151 Motherboard[amazon].
3)GPU-Zotac Geforce GTX1060 3GB Graphics Card[amazon].
4)RAM-Corsair 8GB(1*8 GB) DDR4 Vengeance LPX 2400 Mhz C16 Red kit for X99 chipset.
5)Monitor-Samsung 54.6 cm(21.5) LED Monitor with Dsub,LS22F355FHWXXL.
6)Mouse-Steelseries Rival 100,Optical Gaming Mouse,RGB illumination,6 buttons.
7)Case-Corsair Carbide Series 100R CC-9011075-WW Black Steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case ATX.
8)HDD SATA-Toshiba 1 TB 7200 RPM.
9)PSU-need a 450 or 550 watt[or the wattage you think I need].

So,please tell me whether all my products are right,and also gimme a link for a nice PSU that will last at least 3-4 years[and won't destroy other components of my CPU].And please check the rig and then only comment the appropriate PSU,I do not want a PSU that won't fit in my case :p.Thanks in advance.
DONT BUY THE RIVAL 100, Cancel your order, return it, Not a bad Choice but its disliked by pros and there are better options.

Also rival 100 is useless above 1000Dpi, if you will play on 400 then it's fine.

need a gaming mouse? Logitech is the best option at the moment, for competitive gaming G403 Is the best gaming mouse, No competition at all, everything has been Maxed out on this model, but it's expensive so for a budget get the G402 or G102.

(I won't mind 1 bit spending on the G403 in your budget, a mouse is a precision tool and g403 is worth it)

rx480 is ahead of 1060 due to a better PCB design, which in turn allows better cooling and Overclocking.

Overclocking won't void your warranty unless you open the shroud

Secondly, your friend said BS about low refresh rate thing, For Multiplayer gaming A 144hz monitor is a real step up, you won't be playing counter strike below 140 fps anyways, so it will help prevent screen tearing.

Also avoid gaming headsets, audio industry is driven by word of mouth, gaming headsets are marketing. Get a Samson SR850 or a Hyperx cloud if you need a mic.

Lastly the best budget psu is seasonic s12ii.
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Thanks,but I just cannot wait.I am thankful for your output,but I think I just even cannot wait for 2 days to order my first gaming rig[perhaps I may regret later,perhaps not],but getting an AMD CPU would mean that I would need to get a AMD GPU too,and I would have to start all over again the same build process which took me a month to make in the first place[after several recommendations],but still thanks.
getting an amd cpu doesn't mean you will need to get an amd gpu too. nvidia gpus will work just the same on amd cpus.
make sure you have backup choices for your cpu and mobo as the specific model you want may not be available.
prices and model line-up for ryzen has been announced. in a few weeks either new products will be out or prices might get slashed. you might want to consider waiting.
as mentioned by others, the corsair vs is of poor quality. seasonic is the best.
And do I need cooling fans,or is this alright?How can one overclock,is it on by default,or one has to tinker with the settings?And,do I need DVD writer or anything,does it come with the case?
while fans do help with keeping things in the case cool they are not absolutely necessary.
overclocking a cpu involves tinkering with the bios (you'll also need to buy a decent cpu cooler) and if you're not comfortable with it then avoid.
overclocking a gpu however is relatively simple and can be done via simple programs like afterburner etc.
be advised, overclocking anything sends the power draw exponentially higher and will thus require a higher wattage psu so take that into account.
and no, they do not include dvd writers with cabinets.
the CPU components run like this:-
the surface that is 3-4 feet up from the CPU
These are the confirmed specs of my CPU now:-
I dont care how misled you are by your friends or how much you are aware of the components or a pc. But please for God sake dont refer a pc (infact the chassis with the components inside) as the CPU itself. Please read what a CPU means before even trying to build a PC.

PS:: Its not a mistake to be ignorant (we all have been there once), but do spend your time in this modern world of virtual social life to "google" things you are not aware of. Most of us did not have the luxury of internet when we started with the PC in the first place.
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Seasonic S12II 520w -5.5k
Antec VP550P -4k

Buy from mdcomputers.in

If you can change that GPU, GTX1060 3GB to RX470 4GB or even GTX1060 6GB.

For Nvidia go with Zotac & for AMD go with either Sapphire or HIS.

You can find both in mdcomputers.in

Regarding monitor, if you are going with any RX470 4GB then replace the Samsung with LG 22MP68VQP 22" LED IPS (FreeSync) monitor. OK.
Thanks,but I just cannot wait.I am thankful for your output,but I think I just even cannot wait for 2 days to order my first gaming rig[perhaps I may regret later,perhaps not],but getting an AMD CPU would mean that I would need to get a AMD GPU too,and I would have to start all over again the same build process which took me a month to make in the first place[after several recommendations],but still thanks.If you can help me with my i5-6402p/i56500 compatibility issues,I would greatly appreciate your help.Maybe you can recommend a nice budget USB Hub[2.0 or 3.0,preferably 3.0],with a LONG EXTENSION MALE-FEMALE CONNECTION,as my cpu will be on the ground and I need the HUB to be on the surface that is 3-4 feet up from the CPU.Thanks in advance.
P.S.why did you say to avoid the corsair VS series?what do you recommend in its place when you take a look at my rig,as I am going to game at least on an above-average basis,I think I would need a good power supply.And do I need cooling fans,or is this alright?How can one overclock,is it on by default,or one has to tinker with the settings?And,do I need DVD writer or anything,does it come with the case?

Thanks for your reply,but take a look at this video:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mseFZPD_ETQ.
Tell me,when you compare both the rigs,if your rig provides better gaming output[FPS and other shit] than mine on popular games such as CS:GO,fallout 4,etc.I know it is a lot of work,but if yours at least turns out to be on the same level as mine[while having a monitor],then I will certainly buy this rig.On another note,recommend me a good USB HUB[can be 2.0 or 3.0],but the most important aspect of the HUB needs to be its extension MALE-FEMALE connection,at least 3-4 feet,believe me,AT LEAST.And my friend recommended only TN paneled monitors[high frame rate,low refresh rate],as they are the best for gaming,you can recommend me a good TN paneled monitor in the budget of 4-7 K[preferably Viewsonic or Samsung],but it is alright if you cant find it now,as I am only going to buy it after 2-3 months of getting my rig ;).And,do I need DVD writer or anything,does it come with the case?.I just had a look of the USB Hub you had recommended.I measured the distance that is needed for the extension cable[32 inches at least] which is equal to 0.8128 metres[please check if your USB Hub has that],and will it support external HDDs[optional].Thanks in advance,brother (y)

P.S.Instead of i56402p that is mentioned in the youtube rig as well as in yours,I have preferred the i5-6500 3.2 ghz version[http://www.amazon.in/Intel-LGA1151-Socket-3-20GHz-Processor/dp/B010T6CWI2].This is the reason why:-http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i5-6500-vs-Intel-6402P.As you can see,the only advantage of buying a 6402p over 6500 is the price difference and the 3 month gap between them.

buying amd cpu does not mean u need amd gpu, nvidia gpu will work fine.
Thanks to all of you for contributing to my gaming rig[irrespective of the fact,whether I followed your advice or not].I'am a simple guy,who likes to think that 10 brains will give you more ideas then one can manage to do on it's own[irrespective of the spectrum of knowledge you may have on that subject].Especially,thanks to @Emrebel and @bssunilreddy for uncovering a major flaw in my rig[the damned PSU].My rig now stands the same as the reply no:-6 on this thread,and I am extremely proud of it.And yeah,I decided to get the Antec VP550P instead of the seasonic one[budget reasons].Once again,thanks a lot and you can say,in a way,a amiable solution was found for the problem,and hence,this thread can be said to be 'terminated',but when I need your help again,'I will be back' :p.Sorry for my bad cliched terminator jokes,and thanks once again to all of you.
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