Android Need Help buying a Kobo Touch Ereader from Ebay seller

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Hi Guys!

I am interested in buying a Kobo Touch EBook Reader from an Ebay listing as given below

The problem is that the seller does not ship to my location , i.e. my location is not serviceable by them
you can check if a location is serviceable by entering the pin code here

So what I am looking for is some kind soul who is willing to act as a transit point
that is to collect the Item on my behalf and send it to my location via parcel/courier as soon as its delivered.

If anyone is willing,
I'd pay for the item on Ebay and enter your address as the delivery address
I'll transfer the courier charges and any additional costs incurred for your troubles via SBI NEFT.

any help is appreciated :)
Finally Received my Kobo Glo e-Reader and am loving it.
My deepest gratitude to Asidxxx for helping me procure this.

Will post a short review of this reader along with pics in about 48 hours.

But for all who can't wait,
To all those on the lurch, waiting to decide if it is a good buy over the Kindle Paperwhite 2,
I'll say it is much better, the glowlight is great and doesn't at all render the text bluish like the reviews say. (I have the lights at a comfortable 30% as opposed to the full blast 100% in the reviews)
I've used a paperwhite before (5 minutes or so), but this takes the cake due to its price and flexibility.
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