need help in overclocking E4400

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Hello guys,

I am pretty new to this forum and after tired of googling i am posting here. I want to overclock my Intel CPU C2D E4400 to a stable frequency.. May be like upto 3.0 GHz...I am not able to find any info on how to do it..I am noob in overclocking and i wish to do that so i am looking for sumthing which can teach me how to do that..also my present Mobo wont allow the overclock thingy so want a suggestion for a new VFM motherboard that can support Crossfire mode...

Below are the specs of my PC:-

Intel C2D E4400
Intel D965RY Mobo
cooler Master Extreme Power 600
MSI HD4870
WD 1.0TB
4 Gigs of 667 MHz Ram
and CM 690 Chasis
Please help guys !!:S
Sorry mate, Intel Original mobos don't allow you to OC.

I have the same processor, I've been able to push it around 2.7 Ghz but can't go any further due to my crappy motherboard and PSU. But I have read in places that people have pushed it to 3.5Ghz.
I know intel motherboards dont allow overclocking thats why i need a new motherboard too...and exactly thats what i said please suggest a good Motherboard which can support Crossfire for my intel C2D and then i would go for overclocking
Ah okay, I just read that you wanted to OC and saw your specs.

Anyway, I'm not too knowledgeable with Crossfire mobos, other members will surely help you better.

have the same proccy and shitty intel board
check my siggy

cant oc it btw it runs too hot for me even at stock(may be the thermal compound dried up)around 70c on load:ashamed:
proprietary systems doesnt allow u to overclock hp,dell,gateway ........although some mid and high end intel boards allow you but not the low end mobos
i dont need it im selling the rig to some noob dealer:D
who just want to see that it is a core 2 duo powered pc or not:bleh:
My C2D E4400 does 3.0ghz stable without feeding extra volts and i'm happy with that. Was able to go upto 3.4 or 3.5 ghz but it needed extra juice so reverted back to 3. The motherboard, biostar tp35d2a7, is delightfully oc friendly :)
Budget for MOBO is sumwhere arnd 10K +- 2K....Tell me the model no.s and how to overclock? i will buy a seperate cooler for CPU too..
Dude you are already risking your entire system with an Extreme series PSU which will I'm sure eventually give up, taking other PC components along with it. It's a good idea to sell your current PSU and buy a new one like Corsair VX450 to even think of overclocking.
If you have a ~12k budget, just sell the existing CPU+Mobo+RAM and get:-
Gigabyte GA-MA785GMT-UD2H 5-6k
Athlon II x2 250(?) ~3k
Gskill 2x2GB DDR3 1333Mhz ~5k

Selling the current stuff will let you make up the additional amount. If budget allows, go for an Athlon II x4 620 quad core processor in lieu of the x2 250 for an additional ~2k.
This will get you the most performance for every rupee that you spend.

If you want to stick to the existing CPU and the slower ram, assuming you have 2x2GB 667Mhz sticks, just get the Gigabyte G31M ES2L @2.3k motherboard and all your overclocking will be taken care of.

Also, like others have pointed out, do not risk your 4870 with the EP600 PSU, change it at your earliest convenience.
^^ Tough choice ATM. But I would buy a good matched pair of 1066 CL5 or 800MHz CL4 RAMs for within 5K, along with a Biostar 790GX board, and be happy with it, instead of getting DDR3 1333 RAMs which provide no performance benefit, but at a higher cost.
Thanx for the advice guys..

First of all i am planning to stick to my current CPU for now...I can upgrade the ram...just tell me the model no.s, the price and where can i buy them from. I( am not willing spend too much money on the ram so i might not go for 1333 ones. I can go for either 800 or 1066 ones. 3 gigs

secondly Gigabyte G31M ES2L has only 2 ram slots and doesn't support the Crossfire mode..Please suggest a model which has 4 slots and supports overclocking and Crossfire..

Also isn't EP600 a good PSU? what problems can one face with it? and if its not good please suggest a good model with the pricing..

Your advices will be greatly appreciated.Thanx in advance
RAM: G-Skill 800MHz CL4 Pi black or G-Skill 1066MHz CL5 4GBPK.

Mobo: Why do you need a Cross fire board? Which monitor do you have?

Cooler Master Extreme power PSUs have high failure rates, they don't provide enough juice to the system but produce high ripple. Get minimum Corsair VX450 @ 4.2K
I need a crossfire mode coz i might add another 4870 in future along with the current one.

The monitor i have is BenQ 2412 HD
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