Graphic Cards Need Help !! now i can boil eggs on my 4850 :(

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damn said:
What are you idle and load temperatures after that mod?

as mentioned in the post #24
madnav said:
i have the same card n the cooler is quiet decent....the only problem is the red enclosure...remove it n its good to go for months...
i have my card idling at 35c n max load condition is 65c.... ambient here in navi mumbai is 34c...

that all wid 45% fan speed at idle n 55% at load.

going forward wid rockfella mod gives me stock fan at 20% or even less (less than 1000rpm)
card idles at 33c n max load temp is less than 55c

i will try to post some pics later...
Hey everyone, I got a new Banded PSU and that ends all the problems.. Even buggy Cryostatis is working great and i have tested psu by playing Mirror's Edge on max settings for half an hour.
Load Temp-- 63*C. :-)

Hey rockfella, how to do that "Jugarh" If i dont wanna remove my stock cooler. Coz as you have seen ion pics of my card. IF i attach two seperate fans beneath the card then one would come beneath the Stock fan. Now the catch is that the stock fan sucks in the air and propels it in the small mettallic path which runs over the GPU to provide cooling. Now if a generic fan is directly beneath the stock fan then the generic fan (according to the jugarh) would suck the hot air out of the card, thus would rotate in opposite direction of the stock fan. Hence stock fan would become useless coz generic fan is more powerfull than the stock fan. One solution i have though it tat i remove the plastic covering of the ard and attach a fan horizontally there. After that i would attach another fan vertically to the extreme left side of the other fan i had attached. Thus in this way stock fan would provide its natural cooling and a generic fan would suck the hot air out of the card over the GPU and other generic fan would direct this hot air out of the system... So i just wanna know is the above method worth the pain in the @$$??? If anyone else had tried this then please post eh results... Till then i would look for the neccessary items for this jugarh..
Jason Bourne said:
Hey everyone, I got a new Banded PSU and that ends all the problems.. Even buggy Cryostatis is working great and i have tested psu by playing Mirror's Edge on max settings for half an hour.

Load Temp-- 63*C. :-)

Good that you got things setup properly :).

I got a new Banded PSU and that ends all the problems
stuff mentioned in bold alone is NOT enough to ensure that your purchase is anywhere near failsafe :)

Try not to be in such a hurry next time :cool2:

does not help as much as u thinkin it wud.although an exhaust fan on the side panel helps alot.

i forgot takin pics of that.

a fan on side panel comes diectly in front of the 2nd n 3rd fan.

im usin that fan for exhaust n the air blown by 2nd n 3rd fan is sucked by the side panel fan..(air is blown on the heatsink 1st :) )

i can sense a lil warm air while gaming so its purpose is being served in my case..(rather outside the case...the fan has been fit from outside)
can you post some pics of your setup of fans???? Also tell me, do i have to remove my stock fan to use with the "jugarh" or i should let it wher it is...
Jason Bourne said:
can you post some pics of your setup of fans???? Also tell me, do i have to remove my stock fan to use with the "jugarh" or i should let it wher it is...

u r advised to go through the whole thread once.
pics are already posted n temps were already mentioned in previous threads.
Oops, i forgot. But you didnt told me that should i remove the stock fan or not?? I have two spare fans. So i should fix both of them beneath the card horizontaly or fix one horizontaly beneath the card and one vartically to propel hot air outside??
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