Car & Bike Need Help On Deciding A Car

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Santro is pretty outdated as it is. Buying it now knowing that u'r going to use it for 10+ years is not a very wise idea.

If you can, stretch the budget and go for a more modern car like the i10.
if u are deccided on the goes..
zip drive is the oldest model..avoid it..
xing-erlx is just a improved version of xing...

do try to go for the erlx as it is supposed to have better features on the engine side...
otherwise, interiors are almost the same as the xing

i drive a xing erlx xo 2005 model...and have hardly any complaints...except driver legroom...its a tad too less for huge ppl like me..(6'2")
even the rear legroom could have bin better...

if ur dad is gonna be sitting in the rear, id advise u go for a td on rough roads with him on the rear seat...
the santro in known for a cozy front drive...but a really bumpy rear one...

before buying do check the gearshifts...they should be smoother than any maruti you've ever driven....even on a second hand car...

try braking hard at high speed (straight line) on empty road...the car should not swerve off...should stay straight more or less....

try googling for tips on buying 2nd hand cars...u'll find lots of advice..

hope this helped
This is going to be one of those threads we'll all end up debating a lot of cars , and the OP ends up buying the car his dad/mom decided :P

It happens on t-bhp often ..... guess here too :bleh:
Santro is what has lived with us for over 7 years now. Hyundai's build quality and service has been satisfying so far, and we have not done over 32,000km on this.

Look for the i10 also, after all it's hyundai's new avatar in this segment and shall live well for another decade, than the santro. Remember, it's one time investment, choose it well, not sure if a diesel will live for 10-14 years :)
^^Getz will probably be replaced by i20 very soon. Have to agree though... getz is a far better car than i10. But I hear that the mileage of the cheaper 1.1 is 8-9. Thats worse than my 2 liter Cedia :rofl:.
@greenhorn: To answer your question in short about other cars suggested
Fabia, Swift , Logan, Getz – all beyond my budget

Liked the i10 specially, one of the best interiors I have seen in a small car but again it was too small (I’m 6’1â€+ but slim) for me to sit and over my budget.

Spark, I have yet to see if I can fit in.
@tifosi: You’re right , not the right time to invest in a new Santo. That’s why I am looking for a slightly used one. Besides the owner of the Hyundai service centre knows my Dad well and will help in finding a good deal.

@stellarhopper: Now I know what to look for in a Santro. You cleared up my confuision. You are right, the Santro I had checked out to see if I could fit in had really smooth gears. Thank your for the pointers, I knew what to see in a second hand cars but not Santro specific.
If you have any more ones please let me know.
Helping a friend: I have one more question for you guys. One of my friends is looking for a OHC type 2 and wants to know if the Vtec was available in both 1.3L & 1.5L or just 1.5L
Thank you for all your suggestions.
WagonR suits your requirements perrrrrfectly.

Rock solid reliability, peace of mind. A fun, yet practical small car.

P.S. I think its the only car from Maruti stable which doesn't have rattling issues. I have seen some done more than 80K with No signs of any rattle.
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