PC Peripherals need help on ram increase


i have a desktop with dual core processor in it. i buy it almost 4 years ago and was given with 256 mb ram. now i want to increase my ram so will you guys tell me which way to go and what can be the max limit for me to go.well my previous ram is ddr2.can new ram be ddr3?
No you cannot use ddr3 ram with your configuration. You will need to specify your motherboard manual to know what is the maximum limit. Consult the motherboard model. I recommend getting a 1 GB stick for around 700. It should be supported by your motherboard in all probability.
4 years ago? hmmmm.... then most probably it will be ddr2. if you have lost the manual then one way to find out is open the cabby and take out the ram stick, there will be a sticker on the ram stick which will tell if its ddr1 or 2. and 1gb is enough for now if you are not into gaming.
more the merrier ;) but check if ur mobo supports it...

i suggest u list down ur PC specs... so that people can give u a better feedback... like e.g: a dual core processor could be anything... a Pentium 4 using hyper threading or a Pentium dual core