Need Help - OS Issue?

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I have been facing some wierd problem since last week..

My PC gets restarted abruptly with no reason whatsoever. Then there are 3 possiblities..

1) It just gets stuck on Motherboard description screen i.e Pre BIOS
2) Just before XP starts, Its reboots again.
3) It gives error like ntfs.sys curropted or missing.
4) After next restart it sometimes gives errors like imap.sys (sorry dont remember it correctly) missing and so.
5) And if i am lucky then i get to see the bootscreen and shortly after which.. I get BSOD with hardware config error or something and it reboots.. Everytime there is new error.
6) And finally after an hour or so when i am finally lucky to get to the Desktop.

I get this msg : System has recovered from a fatal crash. And when checked the details. They lead to the 2 files in Temp Directory names svchost.exe and appcompat.txt

Also side effect of this thing is , My internet connection is struggling.

Few minutes after connection, i get some error "Generic Host Proces Failed" and dialog box asking me to send the report or not and then my connection freezes, as in i am even unable to check the status of my net connection.

Also the theme i.e Windows XP style automatically changes to Windows Classic Style after that. The only solution to get my net working again is the restart and we all saw it in above steps, how painful it is.

Now what i have done uptil now.

1) Installed latest Kasperky Internet Security and scanned for 1 and half hour - Couple of false alarms i guess, nothing great.
2) Download Live CD from Quick Heal and booted through it to check if some virus is residing in Partition Table or something. Couple of useless hits, nothing more.
3) Downloaded Avast and scanned my system. No help there too..
4) I have image of particular instance of my OS (through Acronis). Recovered my partition through it. Same issue again. God knows whats up with this appcompat.txt thingy.
5) I have formatted my system 3 times after that, installing every software from scratch, Still within couple of days - its back to Generic Host Proces Failed thingy and appcompat.txt
6) And now i am fairly certain that Virus is not the case here , else atleast one antivirus would have found something.

And i am so pissed that, i am thinking of giving up XP and by tomorrow I am switching over to Vista.

I just wanna know if anyone has ecountered something similar and what was the problem.
Shit that might be the case !!

Last week , I was facing lots of trouble with RAM and in turn display..

Had to remove the chips and clean it again and again..

Checking it right now..


Quick tip - Am i suppose to burn it on CD ROM ? - Its just a 46kb file ?
you can do a "binary search" for your RAM sticks to find out which one exactly is bad...

so you'll run the test half the number of times as the number of sticks you have...

just run the test with half the number of sticks to find out in which group the bad stick lies...

so if you have sticks A, B, C and D

run a test with A, B inserted and C, D removed... if the test fails you know its either A or B, if it passes you know its either C or D

then of the remaining 2 run the test with one and you'll narrow it down the right one that way...

thus, works the "binary search"...
holy crap..

Just check the no. of errors and that too just @18 %..

The RAM is definitely gone.. Crappy Dynet.. I should have never used it in first place..

Also second stick is being tested at the moment.. God knows how many errors its gonna have..

So that is it? As in it was issue of RAM only ??
dipen01 said:
holy crap..

Just check the no. of errors and that too just @18 %..

The RAM is definitely gone.. Crappy Dynet.. I should have never used it in first place..

Also second stick is being tested at the moment.. God knows how many errors its gonna have..

So that is it? As in it was issue of RAM only ??

yup :) replace and it shud b fine .
Sigh...I should have posted it here earlier.. fokat mein all that High B.P

Anyways, now that i have my mind set up on Vista, still planning to shift on it for while :bleh:

Thanx a lot vishalbhai and techie_007
Wierd thing - Just expereinced that "Generic Process Failed" Error before 5 min..

Although no problems with restarting now.. That error is worrying as it stops the net connection..
y dont your try to do a repair installation ,it will fix all the Base OS error's

I have formatted my PC thrice, what more could a repair do :|

sfc / scannow mit help

How do i download sfc/scannow ? (i.e Link as i am unable to find a proper source of its download, i ended up downloading some other scannow )

btw here is the screen of the error and error report, i encountered it 10 min back.. As usual theme changed to Windows Classic as soon as i clicked "Don't Send" and was unable to see Network Status.. So restart was the only option..

Since u had the problems even after formatting it thrice and then assuming u have removed the faulty RAM, the OS might have become less stable due to crashes. So, repair it or straight off go to Vista.

Did u face any slowdown in games using Vista?
Coz on ma system, Crysis gives ~3fps better than in XP now with the latest driver. Also, FAR Cry 2 runs ~5 fps faster in DX10 mode in Vista than DX9 in XP.
Any specific reason as to why appcompat error must be happenening.. I am on SP2 at the moment, can that be the reason ?

Btw yeah will shift to Vista in couple of days..

Just want to download updated drivers for mobo and gfx before i make a switch.
@clown_abhi: yes i was getting about 30 FPS with Crysis (SP Demo) on XP and its down to about half that on Vista x64 Ultimate :D

but i've read that Far Cry 2 is allegedly faster on Vista... you might want to look that claim up...
vishalrao said:
@clown_abhi: yes i was getting about 30 FPS with Crysis (SP Demo) on XP and its down to about half that on Vista x64 Ultimate :D

I think this might be due to some driver issues. :S
Try the latest driver and see. Dropping by half the framerate is like quite strange. As i told, Crysis is faster on ma sys in Vista. Never know, might be something related to PC configurations. And i am also using Vista Ultimate 64 to add to the confusion...;)

Appcompatibility issue should not be due to SP2 or SP3. It might be becoz of some particular application u are using which might have been corrupted due to the crashes and now the problem. Either a repair or format should fix that.

However, if u wanna try, try removing all the applications installed and then do a rework...:P
clown_abhi said:
As i told, Crysis is faster on ma sys in Vista. Never know, might be something related to PC configurations. And i am also using Vista Ultimate 64 to add to the confusion...;)

doh, okay, will try to fix drivers/get latest when i find time :D
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