PC Peripherals need help - pc restarting

ok, i did some testing yesterday night and here r the results:

1) i removed the cmos battery, waited a couple of mins and inserted it again. then started the machine, the same problem still exists that i mentioned in post 1.

2) i removed the ram from dimm1 slot and inserted in dimm2/4 slots alternatively to see whether i makes any difference or not. i restarted the machine but problem is still there :(

3) i removed the ram completely from the machine and started the machine. i DID NOT get any beeps. so it means that boot up process is not even going to ram detection stage.

3) lastly i tried "sumchamp" solution. i removed the heat sink and processor from the mobo and then inserted them again. but it made no difference. the problem is very much there :( one thing that i noticed is that thermal paste on heatsink and processor is all dried up. i mean shouldn't it be in semi-liquid form or am i missing something here? is the thermal paste for Exxxx different from other intel's processors? im attaching some images so that u have a better idea what im talking about.

so guys what u think now....any suggestions? i think problem is with either mobo or procy or psu but i just cant figure out which one is real culprit.:huh: :huh: :huh:
^^mate the goop changes phase wen it gets heated up....wen its cool it will b in thick paste form...thts for tht
i think ur mobo is gone....jus try swappin a new psu...but i doubt since the ram beeps aint comin up....do this thing...remove the cpu n power the board n check for beeps...thts for no cpu. if it doesnt giv u the beeps the board is goner..do check tht u hav connected the cabby speakers or ur external speakers..
regarding shortin the pins...is tht the power switch u use on cpu does same...
u can see 8-10 pins on ur board near the south bridge...all ur cabby-speaker, hdd activity lights n power led connections r there...check with ur board manual for more info....u hav to touch both the pins(meant for power up the cpu) with a conductor(screwdriver)
guess u got me;)
painkiller said:
can u elaborate more on this "shorting power pins with help of small screw driver" i have no knowledge about this :ashamed:

All procedure down for testing only ....

First you have to remove all these plugs from MB as shown in pictures



You can start system by shorting that 2 pins left on MB after removing this POWER SW plug.Take extra care if you have any doubts dont try..


Reset button RESET SW or RST SW

Power light POWER LED or PW LED

Hard drive access light HDD LED

Power button POWER SW or PWR BTN

MB has a two pin power button connector,remove plug named POWER SW or PWR BTN and try starting system by shorting two pins that the power switch from cabby connects to on MB...In your case bad power switch could be the issue.

Repeat this procedure by attaching only SMPS/CPU/HDD/MEMORY then MB out side cabby on table with SMPS/CPU/HDD/MEMORY only.

For further testing..Test components one by one in another rig and replace the culprit

For testing SMPS alone...

Remove all power plugs from HDD/CD ROMS and 20/24 pin plug of SMPS from motherboard..

Leave only cooling fans attched..now further on 20 pin plug of SMPS short these two points with wire shown in picture...If you have any doubts in finding points clear first before trying.


This will start your SMPS and fans..watch activities of fans for restarting behavior..

Hope this will help you to test your components....
I had the same problem too, but god it solved:cool2: .....

psu can be the culprit in most cases but in my case it was my monitor.:no: ...
my monitor was running on the onboard vga...then i borrowed a gpu from arun; nvidia 7300le/7200gs then no probs the comp was runnin 24x7 :hap2: ...
here is the update,

i started the system by shorting power pins on mobo but the problem didn't get solved. then i removed everything from mobo (graphic card, procy, ram) and started the mobo again by shorting the pins. this time it DID gave a long beep. i then attached the graphic card and started the system (without procy and ram). it DID NOT gave any beep. i then attached procy and ram (one at a time) to see if this makes any difference. but no beeps were coming after attaching all these components. as u remember, i did get the beep when everything was removed from the system but didn't get any when i attached graphic card. so my guess was graphic card was gone.

i then took the system to a local computer shop. poor guy didn't know where to start looking for problem. i told him to attach new psu/ram/graphic card etc. to check which component is gone. first he attached psu - system didn't start. then he replace the ram - system didn't start. he then replaced graphic card and this time system DID started normally. i restarted the system to double check and it started normally. so my guess was correct, graphic card is gone. now i know why they give 10yr warranty on evga cards:D

i think mobo was not going to procy and ram detection stage because it was halting on graphic card detection. is this correct? what is the detection priority of mobo? i mean which components get detected first? i will replace my graphic card very soon and update the post. thanx everyone for helping me out. :)

EDIT: i have just returned from nehru place (tirupati enterprises) and the guy checked graphic card on another mobo and darn thing worked on it. so im back to square one. the computer shop that i visited yesterday tested the mobo with different graphic card (ati) and the system worked normally. so i assumed that graphic card is gone and now when the guy at tirupati tested the graphic card on different mobo, system worked normally. im totally confused right now :(
virus32win said:
you have same restarting problem or its increased further to no display?Did your system booted with all hardware attached on outside cabby?

the problem is that whenever i try to boot the system, nothing happens (no beep/no signal to monitor) and after 3-4 secs, it restarts once but again nothing happens and does not restarts any further. as i mentioned before, different graphic card with my mobo worked fine (at local computer shop) and different mobo with my graphic card also worked fine (at tirupati ent. nehru place).
they have finally taken my graphic card for repair/replacement. and tirupati's CC is great :)but one thing still puzzled everyone(me, local pc shop, computer empire, tirupati ent.) is that on my rig, 9600gt worked perfectly (for testing) but my 8800gt DID NOT WORKED at all. on the other hand, my 88800gt DID WORKED on other testing rig...any comments
just to update u guyz...got a brand new 8800gt KO as replacement. it took more than a month to get it replaced but im happy as KO > SC :D