Need help, please fill out this survey on your E-Commerce habits

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Hey guys,

I am doing a research project where we are trying to study the E-Commerce payment models in India as well as what are concerns from users side. Have a presentation due on this on Friday, so help is appreciated :)

It would be great if you can take 2 minutes (literally :P) and fill out the following survey. Its JUST 3 multiple choice questions and wont waste much of your time.

Thanks for your help guys :)

Survey Link here.

PS: Oh, and feel free to forward it around if you can :) Need as many responses as possible by tomorrow night ;)
done. the last question (before the general comments box in the end) says "untitled question" :D
Techie007, I have a few words of advice though.

You are taking a survey from a highly web savvy, technologically savvy audience set.

If your findings are supposed to find habits of such an audience set, I dont see any problem but if your target audience is not just the enthusiasts you may find skewed results in their favor if they form a large percentage of filled survey forms.

Best of luck. :)
@gaurish/amigoatul: Mobile Account means a separate account connected to your cell. The current plan is to get service providers involved and to handle it like a prepaid balance account.

@ragin_ice: I am looking for relatively tech-savvy people who have mostly used online shopping before. SO an ideal crowd on TE :) Need max responses by tonight though. Lets see ;)
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