Need help to overclock Q6600 with Asus P5N - D!!!!

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Mmm..will try. When you run IBT, please sit there and monitor it. Do not just walk off.
My words were a bit "Skewed" i guess, the idea is that SB usually needs lower voltage than the NB but i failed to take into consideration that yours is a nVidia chipset.

Leave it at 1.50, if thats your boards default then it shouldn't do any harm.

The absolute safe limit for a 65nm Quad is 1.45 - 1.475 and with water u can go upto 1.5, beyond that lies madness. That is usually LN2/Dry Ice category so u don't have to worry about that.

The 1.4 you see in the BIOS is before vDroop, the 1.36 is after vDroop, if u want the exact measurements then you would have to go the "multimeter" way, again utterly unnecessary.

Is the VCore 1.36 when you are running IBT/LinX?

Also what is the GFlops you are getting?

Post a screen shot of Cpu-Z and IBT while its running. Try to include Temp readings as well.

Also you are worrying too much about the RAM's voltage, there are capable of taking upto 1.9 without breaking sweat so dont give much thought as to how much voltage you give them.

Run IBT for 10 runs with MAX memory, else you are making no real impact on the "stress" part.

Thanks a lot for your response. I havent used IBT as yet, only Prime 95 blend test for 8 hours but test failed and pc got restarted so its not stable, I can conclude. I will download IBT tonight and run as you have advised.

If IBT stress test fails, then should I tweak voltages up by 1 notch again and continue increasing still I get stable system or should I try increasing FSB minutely and test for stability without touching the voltages?

Ok, got it, btw, I found out after googling a bit some info about FSb holes in Nvidia chipset boards, it says that a system can be rock stable for 1400 Mhz FSB with 1.3 volt vcore only but can be totally unstable for 1.4 volt at 1300 Mhz, I mean to say that there are certainly some FSB ranges in which the system is more stable irrespective of voltages. I guess a lot of permutation/combination should be performed to find out those ranges.

Ok, I have used the following settings:

Vcore 1.4 Volt

NB - 1.3

HT - 1.3

SB - 1.5

Mem - 1.85

FSB - 1340 Mhz

Mem - 670 Mhz

It passed 4 tests of IBT but failed during 5th run. So my system is not stable I guess? How many runs should I try t pass in IBT? Also, I don't want to increase Vcore any more. So, will NB voltage increase help in this case?
IBT 10 runs for casual work

15 runs for heavy work

25 runs for anything this side of Galaxy Collision Simulation.
Try your NB first, if that fails increase your Vcore a single notch up.

You are running your 800Mhz ram at 670? If u are, then u are willingly bottle-necking your processor. Increase it to a min of 800 - 900 Mhz.

Also post the GFlops you are getting in IBT.
Well I got gflop values from 24-29 during the 5 tests. 5th test posted gflop as 28+. Then it showed that software stopped working due to some error. I selected 5 tests only.



I will try to get 3.2 Ghz and above, I have set the ram : fsb 1 :1 now in sync mode. If I can get to 3.4-3.5 Ghz, then my memory frequency will increase also, else I will unrelate fsb and ram setting ram manually to 800 Mhz.

Btw, same settings ran small fft test in Prime 95 for 4 hours+ without error. I am putting for blend test overnight and see what happens.

Note : Temps are always below 65 C for both Prime and IBT. I will try increase NB and run IBTs tomorrow again.

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I think I am gonna consider my system as stable enough with the settings posted above because:

1) The system passed small FFT tests in Prime 95 for 4 hours +.

2) Te system passed overnight blend test for 8 hours +.

What you say guyz? I am thinking of hotting 3.4 Ghz this weekend.
Well guyz any more suggestions? I am using my pc @ 3 Ghz stable right now. Stability tests are done as mentioned in the earlier post. Can I go higher now or should I add some more tests?
Just a question, if any game crashes due to instability, what are the consequences? AM I pc going to be hanged/restarted or am I going to be forced out of the game giving any error message in the windows itself?

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Additional query but its an OT:

Can I clean my LCD, Samsung Galaxy S using Collin?
Any thing can happen:

BSOD, CtDT, system restart with a weird "karaaaaaaaaang" electrical noise, system hang. Ya, even a force out.
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