Need Help With Accessing Client Side USB/Serial Port From Web Application

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Hi friends, I'm developing a web based application, that need to communicate with the device that will be connected to serial port or USB port on the Client PC's.

I'm using PHP as server side language. As far my common sense says and knowledge goes, PHP from a browser won't be able to use Client resource for security issues.

So I'd like to know about what are my options and ways out. I think java applet's, flash applications are my options. Please correct me if I'm wrong and suggest me if any other options can be considered.

I don't have any idea about CGI programming. What about python??

As I'm sure PHP itself from a browser can't help me achieve what I want, so I'm now thinking of a java applet which will be launched and do my tasks and return the result to PHP and will get killed.

Any other ideas and suggestions are welcomed.

I must mention everything will be in Linux, so please don't consider about Windows Methods(like Silverlight maybe).
I'm not sure if what I'm saying is correct, but I think Java Media Framework can help you out with this. So just check out and let me know if this doesnt work. I remember going through a code once; where the programmer had accessed the webcam(that was connected on the USB port) connected to the computer for randomly saving pictures at after specified interval.
Well, I did try with Java Applets and Java with Jaba Web Start launcher, but Java's comm API has many issues, like one of them being no support for Windows. Also tried with the alternative RXTX, but everything seems to get more hectic. Anyway thanks for replying and suggestion though :)

Now I'm doing it with client side program which will connect to the web.
I remember working with a flash application that could access the microphone. I think this one should go on similar lines. That microphone app was made using Adobe flex. I think that will serve your purpose. Moreover, you will also have the privilege of easy future enhancement.
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