Need Help with Buying Speakers for Bass

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I am planning to buy 2.1 speakers for music and PS3 gaming. My basic requirement is BASS. I need the speakers to play the Deep BASS, which normal speakers simply miss like in the song "I love bass"

My budget is not much but i can go max 5000 Rs

Please suggest me with the link to buy from as i am planning to buy it online. I might go to local shop for a audition.

Thanks in advance.
You need to add one or two zeros at the end of that number.

Bass takes a lot of moving air. A massive amount of it. To hit 40Hz at a reasonable level and with domestic speakers you need close to 100watts. Once you factor in overload headroom, this transaltes to minimum anplifier output of 200W. Real ones, not Intex watts. To hit 20Hz, you will need about 400W or a 800 watt amp. To hit those kind of numbers takes serious money.

Even at five times your budget, you will not get really good bass. Its not possible.
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