Need help with selecting mp3 player.

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Lol, dude I use that AND an amp thats much bigger than that !!! :)

And yes it really does sound good ! I am more than ready to forgive its shortcomings after listening to the SQ. I belive the Cowon S9, D2+ and other good players are also as good but the D2+ I listened to was rather cold and analytical sounding while the Amp3 is more smooth and a touch warm.

Getting back on topic, I really wouldn't recommend an Ipod Classic. Its one Mp3 I just dont like with line out or with headphone out. None of my earphones sounded good with it.
Umm that mp3 player isnt all that big , its as big as a credit card and as tall as a 1 rupee coin. I saw a pic of it somewhere being compared to some ipod , they do mention tho that it isnt the most comfortable thing to have in your pocket due to the box edges.

However if SQ is your ultimate aim and you pair it with decent headphones it promises to be audio nirvana, which is why im seriously thinking of getting it. (need to build a FLAC audio collection first tho :P)
your pocket will cry for freedom if you keep that thing inside. not to forget the worst display you will ever find in a flac player, sharp edges, ugly controls. better buy an mp3 cd player or even a cowon a3 should be much better
desiibond said:
your pocket will cry for freedom if you keep that thing inside. not to forget the worst display you will ever find in a flac player, sharp edges, ugly controls. better buy an mp3 cd player or even a cowon a3 should be much better

Yup display is pathetic. But Cowon A3 better than the Amp3 soundwise ? Nah no chance. The D2+ aint as good and that is supposedly the best of Cowon's players. I keep it along with my amp in my shirt pocket so its not too bad. But if I am wearing a t-shirt without a pocket then its a bit of a problem to cart it around. Not worth it IMHO for all its trouble.

However I simply love the sound from it. The Cowon D2+ was too cold/analytical for my tastes.
did you try to eq the d2.use bbe .i think a d2 can be made to sound as per a guys taste with eq and othe enhancements it offers.AND CAN BE ROCKBOXED.
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