CPU/Mobo need high end x58 motherboard urgent

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wanted a high end x50 motherboard urgent.. dont want asus cause those are assholes rashi guys suck.
Stick to Intel - for anything out of the ordinary chipsets it's best and safest Intel® Desktop Board DX58SO | price would vary from 14-16K and avaibility is ??

Contact smc or other vendors & check if they can procure this for you.

The x58 was launched in Q4 - 2008 and these boards may be hard to come by in India today - so your best bet is with Intel. Are you looking at replacing your existing Asus board ?

At my workplace, I am using an Intel Workstation Board S5520SC (LGA1366) and two Intel Xeon's e5649 procs..... Rock solid performance.
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