Car & Bike Need performance bike engines

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hi guys!

my group's final year project is an FSAE car...

for the uninitiated...FSAE is formula sae. its a race held at different venues around the world. students have to concieve, design and build a formula style, open wheel racing car and then race it. we are aiming for the FSAE germany event in august 2009.

the problem is we need an engine.
people usually use either a Honda CBR F4i 600cc or a Yamaha R6.
does someone have any idea how we can procure this in india...preferably in mumbai...

suggestions for other engines (<600cc) which may be available, and are about as powerful, are welcome.
edit:mods may change title to "need a performance bike engine"
tried kurla already...
even mayapuri in dehli...
to no avail..

pics will come once we start work properly...lookin for sponsorships now...any help in that regard is welcome too...
Importing an engine from abroad can be cumbersome and expensive unless you know the right people/channel to get it here.Else buy a second hand bike,strip it apart and use its engine.

Among the engines,the kawa ZX6r 636 seem to have the most grunt.Don't ask me,I haven't ridden any sbk's.But,quiet a lot of racers/bikers praise it on sbk forums.
^is the ZX6r a 636cc...from the name...
if so it wont be allowed...
max displacement allowed is 610cc

as for importing, it guess it can be done if we find a proper source...
ive heard that customs should not be an issue if we get a custom exemption certificate from college stating that it is needed for research purposes...
apart from that we need to have proper papers coz they will be required at re-entry after the competition.
^Did a quick search,pre-2005 zx6r came with a 636cc engine.Present ones have

599cc engine.For reviews,try forums like,, or try to get 'superbike' magazine,they have detailed shootouts/comparisons on bikes.

Here's something else

YouTube - World's Fastest REVA.....testrun

I guess,this must be in b'lore,there's a thread on t-bhp.(am not able to find it)Perhaps,try to get details on engine part from those guys who built that car.
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