Need Phone data help

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I have oppo R7 plus phone with 32 gb space only. And in that phone I have my whatsapp data of past 5 years and everyday my whatsapp data is increasing due to customers. So I dont want to miss out on any details on my whatsapp data, contacts and messages. I have only 400 mb space left now in internal storage. I have a 32 gb sd card also. but after saving whatsapp data in that from past 5 years the sd card storage is 31.5 gb now. Now I got some questions.

If I do factory reset my data will it restore my whatsapp data of past 5 years including contacts and phone messages.
I also have my backup data online but I don't know where it gets saved exactly and how to retrieve it.
Also I am looking for some 1 with a phone with 128 gb internal storage who has just purchased like 1-3 months back and has 9-10 months warranty left and want to sell at 50% price in Mumbai.
Why worry so much.
I'm sure out of that whatsapp data much of it must be useless fwds videos and pics.
Simply connect the phone to a pc, bakup whle whatsapp fodler, buy a new phone, transfer the data, fire whatsapp and restore the last backup and everything will be as is.
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