Need Router

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@vivek.krishnan how does Pi hold up against DD-WRT supported routers like Asus RT-N12?

The short version - if you are on a budget, then the N12 is better. If you can afford the Pi or something equivalent - better. It all comes down to cost and ease of use, and finally performance. I feel that the Pi would be better than the N12 anyday, and the GFH can trade blows against the Pi for some, but lacks a video out.
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Install diet-pi os on your pi, it's easy to configure torrents,plex and other things. Everything is automatically setup using bash-scripting.
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@Kilroyquasar As I said, I have a GFH and found that it is quite good, but here are the drawbacks

1. Does not have a native video out, so cant be used for video playback.'
2. No updates, unless installing Arch or the likes, and even for that there is no easy equivalent like NOOBs. The version of transmission that is available is version 1.92 which has some issues with DHT and PEX. I did did some tinkering and etc to get it to a higher version, but its not without its drawbacks!

Apart from this, here are the pros of the GFH over the Pi3

1. GbE connectivity - I have gotten over 60 MBps from the GFH over a gigabit connection on LAN. I am sure that over WiFi, the speeds will be atleast 50% of that, at worst. The Pi3 on the other hand, will be limited to 10 MBps.

2. Native SATA power and data - this is big plus for me, the ability to just put in a SATA HDD and use it. Have done it, will look forward to doing with 3TB and 4TB HDDs - my GFH runs with a 2TB HDD.

I would be eschewing both of these, to run my C1037UN board with 2 HDDs (2TB each) with xpenology or omv. I already am in the process of building a pair of massive backend storage of about 10TB+ as a project (vSAN)
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Rather than this, would suggest to pickup a entry level router or any router for that matter, and get a Pi for the downloading. There are some weird quirks or bugs which cause issues with the router based torrents. Optionally, you can see if @chetansha is selling any WD or Seagate stuff which allows attacking a HDD and at the same time allows streaming of the same.
Right now i have an GoFlex Home Base unit lying Idle, and Also one netgear R7000 router , selling on behalf of a friend.
PCs are efficient enough that i dont see a reason for these download rigs, it requires too much work and can even turn out to be more expensive , i have a extra hdd added to my main pc for downloading, it powers down when i am not downloading any thing , usually when only downloading the pc does not consume too much power , what ever extra power that my pc is using probably costs less than the money spent on PI or router download setup , and its easy and convenient to use .
PCs are efficient enough that i dont see a reason for these download rigs, it requires too much work and can even turn out to be more expensive , i have a extra hdd added to my main pc for downloading, it powers down when i am not downloading any thing , usually when only downloading the pc does not consume too much power , what ever extra power that my pc is using probably costs less than the money spent on PI or router download setup , and its easy and convenient to use .
You are forgetting a few things
1) space occupied.
2) Have you done a comparision of how much Power a pc consumes 24x7
3) Having a router for 5k-7k makes more sense
4) If you are going to use USB port of the router for downloading, its not "too much work"
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PCs are efficient enough that i dont see a reason for these download rigs, it requires too much work and can even turn out to be more expensive ,

Numbers please.

My intel NUC (atom) consumes about 5 watts of power. A raspberry pi would be still less. A PC, will consume about 30-40 watts when idling (account for poor efficiency of power supply at low load, CPU and case fans, higher power consumption of 3.5 inch HDD).

Even if you consider the difference to be 25 watts, it will be about 200 kwh in a year. That is substantial.

The bigger advantage a low power device like NUC or raspberry pi is that they can run for a lot longer on a UPS when the power goes off (both RPI and NUC can run directly from batteries).
Each one to their own. Each place has different rates for electricity and this varies. For me, in Mumbai, its pretty pricey. At one point, I was asked how much is the router consuming power, when the bill of a family friend shot up after installing the router (the A/C was to blame :P)

I would agree with Arjun that yes, a PC is more easy to setup than the RPi, but in the end, you need to balance the odds. I had to restart my GFH every 30-35 days, which was not a big deal for me :P
@Kilroyquasar As I said, I have a GFH and found that it is quite good, but here are the drawbacks

1. Does not have a native video out, so cant be used for video playback.'
2. No updates, unless installing Arch or the likes, and even for that there is no easy equivalent like NOOBs. The version of transmission that is available is version 1.92 which has some issues with DHT and PEX. I did did some tinkering and etc to get it to a higher version, but its not without its drawbacks!

Apart from this, here are the pros of the GFH over the Pi3

1. GbE connectivity - I have gotten over 60 MBps from the GFH over a gigabit connection on LAN. I am sure that over WiFi, the speeds will be atleast 50% of that, at worst. The Pi3 on the other hand, will be limited to 10 MBps.

2. Native SATA power and data - this is big plus for me, the ability to just put in a SATA HDD and use it. Have done it, will look forward to doing with 3TB and 4TB HDDs - my GFH runs with a 2TB HDD.

I would be eschewing both of these, to run my C1037UN board with 2 HDDs (2TB each) with xpenology or omv. I already am in the process of building a pair of massive backend storage of about 10TB+ as a project (vSAN)

SATA connection seems to be the biggest advantage, which I overlooked! so looks like am gonna keep it; because:
1. don't need vid-out
2. again, not much time to update it frequently...basic functionality is all I need.
I recently (during Festival Deal @ Amazon) bought a RPi3 for just another purpose and it turns out a Great 24/7 Torrent Downloading Rig with Raspbian Pixel OS which run very efficiently.

Setup is far more easier than installing new software in Windows PC.
Generally I am strongly against Chinese products but as the entire router market is manufactured in China mostly check Mi router 3
Got it from Gearbest for 2100/- in 15 days.
Good speed
Nice interface
Fascinating Range.

Won't disappoint
I am currently using them at both of my homes
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