Need some clarifications on customs and duty free allowance - Returning after 1+ year

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I am going to return back to India by this year end. Not sure about the dates. I want some clarification regarding the customs and duty allowances for someone like me.
I know for a fact that duty free good upto 35000 INR can be bought in by a person who is returning to India but i believe that must be for someone who went on visitor / tourist visa or something similar ?
What is the criteria in cases like mine where i am going to return after more than one year. I am in foreign land for work purpose on a work visa. I did read in that other thread about rules being bit different for cases like mine.
But that customs documents is not really easy to decipher so if someone here can explain me, i would appreciate it.
@raksrules , sorry for hijacking your thread.

Also want info regarding as to how many laptops can one bring to India. Electronic Goods used by one with packaging.
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Check the complete rules here....

You would be at NRI status after six months
This would apply for you I think

Indian passenger returning after atleast 3 months
(i) Used household articles (such as linen, utensils, tableware, kitchen, appliances and an iron) upto an aggregate value of Rs.12000/-
(ii) Professional equipment upto a value of Rs.20,000/-

Indian passenger returning after at least 6 months
(i) Used household articles (such as linen, utensils, tableware, kitchen, appliances and an iron) an aggregate value of Rs.12000/-
(ii) Professional equipment upto a value of Rs.40,000/-

Indian passenger returning after a stay of a minimum of 365 days during the preceding two years on termination of his work and who has not availed this concession in the preceding three years.
Used household articles and personal effects (which have been in the possession and use abroad of the passenger or his family for at least six months) and which are not mentioned in Annex.I , Annex. II & Annex. III upto an aggregate value of Rs.75,000/-
Ok, here is the final questions.

My cuz is coming back to India after 5 years. He wants to bring his 4yr old Mini Cooper car to India. He loves its cuteness and is attached sentimentally.
What is the impact with customs? Either land in Chennai or Mumbai. The Car is brought by ship, I think.
Any other idea.

Also he wants to bring his Lian Li Tower PC only cabinet to India. The Baggage size rules it out. So he plans to bring it with his car or else ship it out separately.
What is the customs on it?
I dont think he will be allowed to get his car. If i remember correctly, a person is only allowed to import his car/vehicle if he signs a document which states that he is moving back to India permanently and has no intention of going back.
Please wait for answers from more knowledgable people, but i am 90% sure what i said is correct.
I dont think he will be allowed to get his car. If i remember correctly, a person is only allowed to import his car/vehicle if he signs a document which states that he is moving back to India permanently and has no intention of going back.
Please wait for answers from more knowledgable people, but i am 90% sure what i said is correct.

Yup. He is gonna stay hereafter. @raksrules, Yeah I got confused here.
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